I fell flat on my back twice in a week. They were loosely related – sort of. But not because I am getting doddery or drinking too much. Statistically most...
It’s official. According to cutting edge quantum physics, we are all vibrating energy. So why then does our medical system still treat us like lumps of meat? Is it not...
It’s a mine-field navigating through all the energetic wands on the market. So what are there points of difference? Is ours better than the others? Are you being conned? These...
We are getting questions from many of our customers about the Amega Global zero-point wand asking if it is any good and how it compares with our own life-energy products....
It’s a mine field navigating through all the energetic wands on the market. So what are there points of difference? Is ours better than the others? Are you being conned?...