
Life Energy Blog

Quantum Entanglement – Understanding the Science Behind Remote Healing.

  • June 6, 2024
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Understanding the principles behind remote healing or distant healing, as...

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Understanding Structured Water

  • May 30, 2024
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Did you know that there is another state of water...

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Investigating the Health Risks of 5G Technology

  • May 26, 2024
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5G was investigated for potential dangers to health. This investigation...

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Geopathic Stress- the Unknown EMF.

  • April 18, 2024
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Geopathic stress is a killer. If you are unlucky enough...

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Wi-Fi Woes: The Tension Over Tech in Oregon’s Classroom

  • April 13, 2024
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It seems that there is a whiff of change in...

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Vibrational Healing, Tesla, Pythagoras, and ancient Egypt

  • March 5, 2024
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Vibrational healing is nothing new with sound healing traceable to...

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The Dangers of AirPods and EMF Radiation

  • March 1, 2024
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AirPods are a convenient way to connect our ears to...

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