
Chakra Balancing

chakra balancing pendant

We are finely engineered energetic beings with seven spinning energy centres. When these become blocked it means the energy isn’t flowing freely around our body and we can become sick physically, mentally and spiritually. Chakra balancing has been used for thousands of years to unblock and balance the chakras. This is vital for our health and wellbeing.

How do we know when our chakras are out of balance?

1) The Root chakra is at the base of the spine.

When the root chakra is out of balance it can cause problems with:

  • The legs and feet
  • Rectum, tailbone
  • Constipation
  • Eating disorders
  • Immune system
  • with the male reproductive organs and prostate gland
  • Degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica
  • Money worries

2) The Sacral chakra is just below the navel.

When the Sacral chakra is out of balance it can cause problems with:

  • Sexual and reproduction
  • Urinary and kidney dysfunctions
  • Hip, pelvic, and low back pain
  • Expressing emotion or feeling desire
  • The fear of betrayal

3) The Solar Plexus chakra is in the abdomen.

When the Solar Plexus chakra is out of balance it can cause problems with:

  • Digestion
  • Chronic fatigue
  • The Pancreas and gallbladder
  • Self-criticism
  • Fear of rejection

4) The Heart chakra is next to the heart.

When the Heart chakra is out of balance it can cause problems with:

  • Asthma
  • Upper back and shoulder.
  • Arm and wrist pain .
  • Suffocating others with too much attention
  • Jealousy, and bitterness
  • The fear of being alone

5) The Throat chakra is at the throat.

When the Throat chakra is out of balance it can cause problems with:

  • The Thyroid
  • Sore throats
  • Ear infections
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Self-expression
  • Fear of not being in control

6) The Third-eye chakra is between the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead.

When the Third eye chakra is out of balance it can cause problems with:

  • Blurred vision and eye strain
  • Headaches
  • Sinus
  • Moodiness and stubbornness

7) The Crown chakra is at the top of the head.

When the Crown chakra is out of balance it can cause problems with:

  • Rigid thoughts
  • Analysis paralysis
  • Fear of alienation

How do we know when our chakras are in balance?

1) The Root chakra

When this Chakra is in balance, your energy levels will rise as all energy starts flowing from here. you will feel supported, connected, grounded, and safe in your own body.

2) The Sacral chakra

When this Chakra is in balance, you will be more creative. Your desire and libido will increase. You will be more outgoing.

3) The Solar Plexus chakra

When this chakra is in balance, you will have self-respect and self-compassion.

4) The Heart Chakra

When this chakra is in balance, you will feel joy, gratitude, love, and compassion. With this chakra open it is easy for you to forgive.

5) The Throat chakra is at the throat.

When this chakra is in balance you will be articulate, honest, and truthful yet able to stand firm.

6) The Third-eye chakra is between the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead.

When this Chakra is  in balance, you will be focused and determined but also open to receiving advice from others.

7) The Crown chakra is at the top of the head.

When this Chakra is in balance, you have an unshakeable trust in your inner guidance. This Chakra is the connection to Source, Zero Point, Energy.

How do you balance the chakras?

There are many ways to balance the chakras, some are involved, need a lot of knowledge, and take time. If you haven’t got the time or inclination to learn about the needs of each individual chakra – like spin and which crystal to put where and how – then we have a prefect and simple way to balancing your chakras.

By spinning energy our Energetic Products balance chakras extremely well. The technology in them moves and balances energy so any blocked chakra doesn’t stand a chance – it is just spun back into balance.

A Nu-me pendant or ki-bal can be placed directly on an individual chakra. A Hope Stone or Small Shell Shield can also be used.

Or a more powerful product, A Power P.e.bal, Zen Stone or Double Shell Shield can be used alone or in conjunction with these by placing it above the Crown Chakra.

Make sure that you can lie comfortably while doing this so that you can be completely relaxed and engaged with the process. Put your attention to the chakra or chakras that you want to open and intuitively feel when the balance is complete. This can be anything from five to fifteen minutes. If you are fully relaxed, enjoying the process, and want to more time – go for it – you can’t overdose!

Enjoy, get balanced and stay well and happy.

Want to know about someone else’s chakra balancing experience?

“I received Love and the shell keychain, and opened them up and felt nothing, but went to lie down to see what they were like.  I laid LOVE on me, at the heart.

For 20 minutes I felt nothing, but then started feeling something, although it was so subtle, I could not describe it.  Then at 30 minutes, all the sudden this energy came into both feet and up my legs and I felt like my blood turned into fuel!  Amazing feeling that just continued and so I just watched and felt and followed it all around my body.”

 Sunni Karll, Iowa USA –   Author of ‘Sacred Birthing, Birthing a New Humanity’


EMF Zone Protector Zen Stone –


The Shell Shield


Our guarantee

We want you to rest assured that these devices are genuine, are high-quality, and work. To that end, we offer a money-back guarantee on all of our products. If for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, we will refund your money (excluding any postage costs) providing you return the product within 30 days. It must be returned in its original condition, with all its packaging, and with proof of purchase.