We will be there at the Healthy living show – Stand 71

We will be there at the Healthy living show - Stand 71

The first Healthy Living show in Auckland at the Viaduct Event centre in Auckland 2/4th November is a must for those that want to know about the latest and greatest in Healthy living. And for those that think boring –veggies and sacrifices, you haven’t a clue. The Healthy Living Show will prove that living healthily can be fun. It is time to put all those out-dated concepts to bed and benefit from being re-educated by the experts either speaking or displaying their goods and or services at the Healthy Living Show . You owe it to yourself.

We will be there in full force on stand 71. We have some awesome new products the like of which have NEVER been seen before, and we mean NEVER. EMF protection, energy balancing and de-stress has never been so easy. These will be on at a very special launch price – so don’t miss us. But we intend for that to be hard to do. Most of you know us already but for those that don’t just look for the most colourful and probably the noisiest stand in the show.

There will be a prize draw for one or more of our new products. You’ll never believe how excited we are about these. Having a much longed for new baby is a good comparison. We have agonized over the design and birth of these for a very long time. The wait has been worth it.

Give-aways and deals will be found on stand 71. It will all be happening there. So come and say Hi and let’s have a catch-up, or get to know each other.


So see you there – at the Healthy Living Show on 2nd, 3rd or 4th of November – and learn how by taking care of yourself you can live life to the full.



Toronto doctor links Wi-Fi and hypersensitivity.

The Great Experiments

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