An EMF Protection Alternative

Is EMF Protection necessary?Zen Stone energy balancers

Not everyone is into EMF protection. Often denial and burying one’s head in the sand makes life easier than accepting that your gadgets, tools, toys, and everyday electronic conveniences could be harmful and you need to take steps to protect yourself from them. Now more than ever before with rapidly increasing levels of EMF radiation and the rollout of 5G EMF protection is more important than ever before.

Sometimes in a household, there are some who are clued up on EMF while the rest are – just not interested, even skeptical. This makes life difficult, who wants to keep explaining and trying to educate others only to be slapped down and even ridiculed. Many get just plain tired of trying to reason it out. So, why not give up trying and take the necessary steps quietly and with no fuss. Let the non-EMF believers live in their ignorance while you take care of their safety and wellbeing.

What can be used for EMF protection that’s different?

The Zen stones are the perfect answer for no-fuss protection. Who would ever guess that they are mighty powerful and efficient EMF protection? They are gorgeous, meaningful, and totally unobtrusive. If you didn’t know you would think they were nothing more than stunning ornaments or paperweights.

But secretly within the depths of the Zen stones is our unique technology that will protect a whole space – even the smallest Hope Stone has a protective field of 14 meters. Its hand-hold size makes it just right to also carry around. Ideal for the kids to be protected in their EMF-saturated schools.

So, if you are ridiculed about your EMF concerns don’t be beaten into none-action-submission because the Zen stones are your perfect solution.
There is no need to tell anyone what they are – and if you don’t tell we won’t.

Energy Balancing

Zen Stones are not just about EMF either because like all our products they balance ALL unbalanced, or negative energy which includes EMF. They will balance our personal energy field thereby aiding our healing journey.
People can create negative energy and we are affected by it as energetically we are all connected. Being with other people can be an energy drain. Also, protection from the negative energy of others is a must or you could be left feeling completely drained when someone walks away from you after a good moan or mardy.

Clearing historical energy

Historical negative energy caused by people and events can lodge in buildings and land staying there for thousands of years. The energy on battlegrounds and in houses where there have been atrocities committed can be tangible. This disturbed energy adversely affects us. It is essential to our wellbeing that it is cleared away.

Over the centuries this has been done by burning herbs and smudging. This is still done today but it is very time-consuming and is probably only done in the most extreme situations because of this, when actually space clearing should be done constantly and everywhere. Even the argument a couple had yesterday is still present energetically in that same space today. Imagine how much disturbed energy there is in the average family home that needs clearing away.

We all need a healthy space to live and thrive. It is so easy to live in energetic dross, but we wouldn’t -ever- if we realised how detrimental that is to us.

The Zen Stones are like all our protective and balancing products and the technology in them, which is exclusive to us, will create a harmonising bubble to keep you safe – and well.


“I changed jobs at the end of last year and when they asked me if there was anything I would really love as a leaving gift, I suggested to them that I would love something from your website. When I left, they presented me with a set of all three zen stones. I was utterly overwhelmed and so delighted! From the first night my partner and I slept like logs, we really noticed a significant difference.
We had Christmas with my mother, who will be 90 this year, and has not been well and having trouble sleeping. Because we were away for a week, we took two of the stones with us – I have the HOPE stone in work at my desk. My mum slept so much better while we were there with her, and I was so sure it was the stones that we left the LOVE stone with her. Since then, is sleeping normally and is feeling generally better because of that.
So we just have the PEACE stone at home now, which is fine – I have great peace of mind now knowing that my mum is feeling better”. Louise New Zealand


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