Cell Tower Health Centre

Unhealthy Health Centre

Cell Tower Health Centre

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We were driving towards Devonport the other day – a seaside suburb of North Auckland in New Zealand – when we spotted the local health centre “decorated” with a serious array of cell transmitters and relays.

Fortunately this is not my health center and, even if it was, I would not be there very often (pause to express gratitude for this fact) but I am concerned for the health of anybody who spends any time there or in the vicinity.

It is a sad fact to the enlightened on this subject that these things can pop up on any building – regardless of who is living in or around it. To the building owner it is usually considered another valuable source of income as they sign away the health of the neighbourhood.

Churches are another place where these towers are being installed. They generally place them in the spire where they are usually invisible. The church secures a source of income and Sunday becomes an unhealthy day for any of the congregation with any sensitivity to the radiation flooding the church.

Bring on the day when awareness of this issue and concern for the wellbeing of our fellow humans and animals sees a change to this policy and, ultimately, this technology.

In the mean-time we have supplied a residential building in Nelson, New Zealand with some discounted P.e.bals to help alleviate the effects of similar transmitters on the residents and those living nearby. If you know of a similar situation and have access to the offending building / roof, then get in touch and we can talk solutions.



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