Power lines and Cancer

The Swedish Government funded an official, massive study of the effects of EMF (electric field radiate) from overhead power lines on 500,000 people. This study over a period of 25...

France Wi-Fi Ban in Schools

On March 19, the French National Assembly passed an amendment to ban Wi-Fi in their schools until its proven 'safe for human consumption.' The National Assembly agreed to recommend safer,...

Overexposure to X-rays

Breaking an ankle, or any broken bone, sure does expose you to more x-rays than are good for you. And probably more than necessary. But in the agony of pain...

X-ray scanners banned by EU

Travellers beware. X-ray body scanners used in airports that use "backscatter" technology were banned from 14th November 2011 by the European Commission so why are they still in use in...