QSB Wave Instructions

Congratulations on your purchase of the QSB Wave. In combination with the QSB you have a powerful system to help you and your family heal at a fundamental level.

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Set up.

QSB Wave Instruct1. Plug the power pack connector into the QSB Wave.
2. Next plug the power link connector into the QSB Wave and then the other end into the QSB.
3. Finally connect the 3.5mm jack connector into the middle of the QSB Wave and then the other end into the signal input socket on the QSB.
4. Switch on the power at the mains socket if you haven’t already.

Note: You should now see 2 green lights on your QSB (just like running a custom program if you have the Upgrade).

Note: 528 Hz is now running on your QSB. This will continue running until you switch off or disconnect the power supply.

QuantumWave Genetics.

For each person to be treated you will need a baby photo or a sample of baby DNA (hair or nail clippings).


Wave genetics baby photo1.Ideally the photo will be of you/the subject on your/their own as a baby/young child.
2. If any illness has developed, then this photo should pre-date this.
3.If there are other people in the picture this will still work fine.

If there is no photo or DNA sample available of the person being treated, then there are other options.

1. A full sibling (same mother and father).
2. A niece or nephew (child of a full sibling)
3. Your child.
4. Your grandchild.


Note: In summary as long as the genes of your own mother and father are present in the baby/child’s photo, then you are good to go, except:

If you/your subject should have a congenital condition, then you will NOT want to use your/their baby photo or genetic sample. In this case see above.

Multiple Photos with the QSB Wave.

• If there is more than one person being treated then multiple photos can be used stacked on top of each other on the plate.
• Remember that we are the ones actually doing the healing and there is high intelligence involved in this healing process.
• If the information being transmitted by the QSB is from multiple subjects then your system will simply filter out what it needs and ignore what it does not.

Arranging the QSB and the QSB Wave

QSB Wave set-up• The QSB will sit neatly on top of the QSB Wave.
• Photos and hair/nail samples can be sandwiched between the QSB Wave plate and the base of the QSB.
• There is a space for larger photos to stick out on either side of the plate and not interfere with this arrangement.
• If you have multiple photos/DNA samples or ones that don’t fit, then simply use the QSB and the QSB Wave in a side-by-side configuration (see top of page).
• When you have the photo or DNA sample on the plate of a running QSB Wave, then you (and/or anyone in proximity of the QSB) are receiving 528Hz, which is acting as a carrier wave. On top of this are the subtle frequencies representing the information from the baby photos/samples on the plate.






Broadcasting Remedies

Remedy transmission with the QSB WaveAny natural remedy can be placed on the plate of the QSB Wave where the complex frequencies will be added to the carrier frequency (528Hz) and then transmitted to the space around the QSB.

Suggestions include but are not limited to:

• Herbs (dried or fresh)
• Herbal Remedies
• Homeopathic Remedies
• Essential Oils
• Color Swatches (color therapy uses wool samples as a standard)
• Minerals
• Crystals
• Foods


• We recommend staying away from samples that are toxic to ingest unless you have knowledge that they are safe energetically (as in homeopathic remedies).

• If you know how to use a pendulum or muscle-test then you could check things out before using them.

• Otherwise use caution and go with “less is more”.

• Naturally, if a sample makes you feel ill, then discontinue and investigate further.

• It could be causing a detox reaction in you as it is initiating a healing response but we would suggest you seek guidance from a natural health practitioner or dowse/muscle-test before proceeding with caution.

Trust your inner guidance.

How Long and How Often?

• Everybody’s healing journey is different but, as far as Wave Genetics is concerned, we know that the youthful DNA information needs to be provided to the body regularly, if not daily.
• There does not seem to be a means to store and then reference the DNA information so it needs to be dynamically presented.
• The more you treat yourself/a person with the QSB Wave with DNA information the faster the process to reverse ageing symptoms.
• Healing specific conditions such as DNA damage through vaccinations will take a more intense regime, especially as the extent of the damage from Vaccinations is still unknown.
• When treating yourself energetically with a remedy, how long should be dictated by the reduction/removal of symptoms for a physical condition.
• With an emotional or mental issue, this should similarly be clear. If in doubt, continue longer to be sure.

Making and Duplicating Remedies.

If you want to make your own remedies to ingest in addition to the QSB treatment this is simple to do with your QSB Wave. There may well be significant benefits to supplementing direct treatments in this way.

1. You need a clean dropper bottle of distilled water. Blue or brown are better than clear for protecting the embedded frequencies. A drop of brandy/vodka helps to preserve them as well.
2. Place the bottle near the coils of the QSB. The coils are in the top half of the QSB so you could place the bottle(s) on some books or something to raise them up.
3. Remedies can be made of DNA information as well as individual or multiple herb, oil, crystal, color etc. samples. The scope of possibilities is infinite.

This is enough information to get you started on your healing journey with the QSB Wave. You will automatically get access to the QSB Frequency Forum where you can share results and ask questions so that we can collectively expand our knowledge base.