
Help us get this technology to where it is needed.


My name is David Slinger and I am one of the directors here at Life Energy Solutions in New Zealand.

We are on a mission and we need your help. The mission is to get a very powerful healing, balancing, and protective technology out to people who need it – your customers included!

People need this technology because they are being bombarded by electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from our high-tech world and chaotic energies resulting from the shift happening here on planet Earth. They also need help healing old issues and staying calm in a time of multiple crises.

We sincerely believe we have the best products using the best technology to be able to really help people at this time.

We would like the chance to prove this and then work with you in a win win win partnership to boost your business whilst making these tools available to your customers.

We invite you to take a look at our product selection and our customer testimonials to get some idea of how they are helping people with problems such as insomnianight-terrorsEMF radiationgeopathic stressenergetic clearing, and more.

All our main products are made here in New Zealand with 100% integrity. We ship directly to all corners of the world and can usually get an order to you within a week to ten days for most locations.

If what you see resonates with you, we suggest you try a wholesale sample pack. This includes our 2 best-selling products – The Pyramid Energy Balancer (P.e.bal), and the Nu-Me silver pendant. All our pendants are embedded with the solfeggio frequencies. We will also give you a free sample of the RadiSafe cell phone protector, which has been custom boosted with our scalar energizer.

Once you have felt the energy of your home or work-place under the calming influence of the P.e.bal and the calming, stabilizing, and protective effects of the Nu-Me pendant we are sure you will want to jump on board.

Click to buy this pack here or get back to us for a product catalog with wholesale and recommended retail prices. You can then design your own sample pack for which we can generate a custom invoice.

Fill out the form below with some basic information so that we can get back to you with the best solutions for working with us.

If you have any questions or just want to have a chat, you can Skype us on: life-energy , or let us have your phone number and good times to call and we will call you.

Please note we can drop ship and have an excellent affiliate system if these might work better for your business or work alongside wholesale/retail. You can check out our affiliate system here

We look forward to working with you to get this technology to where it is needed.

Either way, have a blessed day.

David & Margie.