Natural Therapies and Natural Health Expo was a huge success.

Natural Therapies and Natural Health Expo was a huge success.

The Auckland Natural Therapies and Natural Health Expo brought together practitioners of many modalities, SCIO machines, naturopathy, herbalists, Ortho-Bionomy, Reiki, Pilates, Iridologists, Nutritionists, Kinesiology, Body Talk, Colour Therapy, Avatar, Reflexology, Therapeutic massage, Neurological Integration, Homeopathy to name just a few! There were also books, seminars and lots of shared information.

It was where we started – traveling around New Zealand doing shows. Of course Expo is a grander name for exactly the same thing. Maybe an Expo is on a bigger scale but the bottom line is that it is a great way to meet people and show them what we do.

The Natural Therapies and Natural Health expo in Auckland last week did just that, it re-united us with lots of old friends and introduced us to many more new ones. Fabulous!

An hour before the doors opened a very familiar face came to our stand. Not placing it at first I thought that it had to be some one taking a break from setting up their stand. After all it was an hour to kick off. But no – somehow Chris (an Auckland hypnotherapist) had by-passed security which just goes to show how relaxed and pleasant it all was.

As an old customer of ours Chris’s enthusiasm set the scene for the next couple of days. This is some thing that he said that is great to share;

“I gave a small silver Nu-me to my 14 year old daughter and the number of mood swings and arguments has drastically reduced. I also use the p.e.bal at work by the computer and it has made a difference in reducing stress levels”

Dealing with teenagers is not always easy as I know from personal experience, but then they are taking steps into a pretty aggressive world as up and coming adults. They need all the help and support they can get. But then don’t we all even as fully grownup adults! David and I are just so grateful that our products can help with this.

We met so, so many lovely people and I wish there was time and space to tell all the interesting stories and conversations. Time flew while we talked ourselves to death. We also listened and learned a lot. There was information exchanged and energy flowed. It was buzzing – yet in a very relaxed sort of way. I loved every minute of it all.

Our new system, that enables practitioners/retailers to get commission on all sales that come from their special code on brochures that they hand to their clients/patients/customers, was embraced by nearly everyone. If you want details about this send us a note from the contact page

After the doors closed on Saturday afternoon packing away the stands, posters and sales terminal was done with a mixture of sadness that it was all over, looking forward to exciting future possibilities and feeling completely pooped!

If we thought that the Expo was over and that we were now going to regroup and plan our next steps we were very mistaken! Our feet haven’t touched the floor since!

The relationships that we forged at the Expo have continued with phone calls, meetings and wonderful feed back. One of these was from a practitioner who phoned urgently needing stock after she has given one of her patients with a neck injury treatment on her machine. She had bought a silver Nu-Me clip at the Expo and felt to clip it on the back of her clients neck brace. After the treatment her client could move her neck a little and had gone from extreme pain to no pain. She gave the practitioner the money for a Nu-Me there and then.

The technology/ that we use in all our products makes them powerful healing tools. But as you know we are not allowed to say that and the usual disclaimer applies! This is needed so that we don’t get sued and you will keep taking the multi-trillion dollar industry pills. That doesn’t mean to say that you can’t try it for yourself of course and stop taking the pills!


Prem Rawat. We ALL Live In One House

Energy cleansing for better relationships!

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