How to Release Trauma Trapped in the Body to Release Emotional Pain

 ‘Trauma a deeply disturbing or distressing experience’.  

Source: English dictionary

Lets discover how to release trauma trapped in the body to release emotional pain

People with trauma or other conditions like anxiety and depression, often experience physical symptoms as well.  Some refer to this as “emotional baggage”.  Everyone carries unprocessed emotions from experiences to some degree. However, emotions that aren’t dealt with don’t just go away.This can have an affect on the way you think about yourself, how you react to stress, your physical well-being and your relationships.

6 Simple Tips to Help with Trauma Include:

  1. Somatic Exercises
  2. Yoga
  3. Mind-Body Practices
  4. Massage
  5. Somatic Experiencing Therapy
  6.  Frequency Healing Devices
How to Release Trauma Trapped in the Body to Release Emotional Pain
Release Trauma Trapped in the Body

What defines a trauma?

Trauma is common in one form or another and most of us have been ‘traumatized at some time in our life. Mass trauma can be caused by political situations like wars and of course now with the fear induced panic- demic.

Trauma results from exposure to an incident or series of events that are emotionally disturbing or life-threatening these can have lasting adverse effects to our function mentally, physically, socially, emotionally, and affects spiritual well-being.

Trauma should never be trivialized or ignored.

If your trauma is left untreated it can cause nightmares, insomnia, anxiety, depression, phobias, substance abuse, panic attacks, anger, irritability, and a feeling of hopelessness.

Neglected trauma can have a huge effect on your future health. Any undealt with trauma will cause an energy block resulting in physical symptoms or dis-ease. These can range from gastrointestinal disorders, rapid heartbeat, or extreme fatigue to severe health conditions including stroke, heart attack, weight problems, diabetes, and cancer, according to a Harvard Medical School research study.

How long after trauma does PTSD start?

Post-traumatic stress disorder can develop immediately after experiencing a disturbing event or having a disturbing experience, or it can occur weeks, months or even years later. PTSD is estimated to affect about 1 in every 3 people who have a traumatic experience, but it’s not clear exactly why some people develop the condition and others don’t. There may be a delayed onset of symptoms, when the brain is less preoccupied, or the person has the space to absorb what has happened. There is no definitive answer to why some people who experience trauma develop PTSD and others don’t.

Post-traumatic stress disorder cause significant problems in social or work situations and in relationships. They can also interfere with your ability to go about your normal daily tasks.

PTSD symptoms are generally grouped into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms can vary over time or vary from person to person.

What happens if we ignore trauma?

We can’t ignore the fact that present times have cause trauma by fear, the destruction of our freedom and choice and the constant battle of survival, no matter which side of the fence you are on. We have been emotionally assaulted from all angles while throughout we are trying to survive in the politically called ‘New Normal’.

It is easy to try and ignore the trauma that we have been exposed to by explaining our emotional responses, changes in behavior or physical ailments as just part of the situation, whatever that may be, that we now find ourselves in. In doing this we are undermining how deeply the situations and events over the last three years, and still on-going, have affected us.

By ignoring the trauma of what we have been subjected to it will become a blockage in our energy field which for early mankind was a safety mechanism to isolate the trauma which was usually physical but now when trauma is mostly emotionally based this isolation or blocking can make us sick.

What is the frequency of trauma and PTSD

Researcher Hans Selye called the bodies response to trauma an “inflammatory barricade”. This is when the body walls off the tissue so that the trauma can not spread throughout the whole body.

All things have a frequency because as Quantum Physics tell us everything consists of three things – Energy, Frequency and Consciousness At the time of trauma, the body can through its water network store the frequency of the experience. Soon afterwards the connective tissue walls off and the nervous system reduces innervation. The tissue becomes stiffer essentially trapping the traumatic frequency.

The trapped traumatic frequency creates a disharmonious resonance in the tissue which  essentially attunes surrounding tissue to a jarring frequency. This jarring frequency can also resonate in one’s biofield – creating a lack of coherent flow, or blockage, there too.

We need to look at trauma honestly and objectively and take action to remove the discordant frequency of the trauma and heal.

What is the most effective treatment for trauma and PTSD so you release trauma trapped in the body to release emotional pain?

The now recognized most effect healing is with frequency and frequency healing devices are the best way to heal trauma. and using the Quantum Physics principals the best way to treat and help heal Trauma and PTSD.

The QSB, The Quantum scalar Box with its inbuilt Solfeggio Healing Frequencies produced as Scalar waves, energy, and the intent to heal perfectly completes the circle to heal Trauma – or anything.

Author: Margie Slinger

Further reading


Better Health and Wellness with Life Energy Solutions

Nikola Tesla – Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt

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