Do EMF harmonizing products really work?

Do EMF harmonizing products really work?

If you are concerned about the growing number of potentially harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs) you are likely coming into contact with in your day-to-day life, you might have wondered about the efficacy of the various products designed to harmonize them. There is much debate surrounding EMF products and while some might argue that they are a waste of money, others maintain that they provide vital protection from the negative effects of modern technology. So, what type of EMF protection products are out there, and do they really work? Let’s take a look…


What Products are Available?

EMF protection comes in many shapes and sizes. For those wanting to create a protective bubble in the home, there are many zone-based products. Those who are particularly susceptible to EMFs might prefer to invest in more personal products such as EMF protection jewellery. A well as being a distinctive fashion accessory, these sorts of products allow you to carry EMF protection no matter where you go.

Whether you are out and about or simply trying to relax in the comfort of your own home, there are plenty of EMF protection products out there for you to try.


How Do They Claim to Protect Us?

Different EMF protection products work in different ways. Life Energy Designs products have a unique tried and tested technology that harmonize EMF radiation allowing the immune system to do its job of protecting us from bugs and viruses whilst allowing the body to rest and recuperate. These Scalar waves (life-energy, orgone..) are composed of pure zero-point energy and they are capable of penetrating metal and other solid barriers. In fact Nikola Tesla believed that they could travel from one side of the world to the other unhindered. However, unlike EMFs, Scalar waves are very much a part of natural life and not in any way harmful to humans. 

They interact with our life energy (a force which is often referred to as ki or chi in Eastern scriptures) in a positive way, unlike the force given out by EMFs which is extremely disruptive. 

EMFs do occur naturally, but the ever-growing sources of the more harmful frequencies are all man-made. Due to the increase in technology in the past century, we live in a world with greater radiation levels than our grandparents would have experienced. Proponents of EMF protection products say we should be actively attempting to combat this radiation.


But Do They Actually Protect Us?

There have been many studies from both sides of the table to try and establish definitively if EMF protection products are necessary and whether they do actually help us. While the debate continues, it’s important to note that most studies attempting to discredit the harmful effects of EMF were either conducted before the sudden surge in technology like Wi-Fi and 4G, or simply haven’t been able to gauge the long-term effects as yet.

As for protection, some of the EMF protection testing performed on our own products has certainly produced some compelling results.

We have completed a variety of tests at independent testing facilities and they always come back with positive results about our products. For example, in 19 out of 20 PIP scans performed, there was a positive change noted between the first scan and the second performed after our Nu-Me pendants were worn for fifteen minutes. This is undeniable proof that our devices do have some effect on the body.

You don’t need to take our word for it though; we have hundreds of testimonials from customers who have bought our pendants and our other devices. They have noticed a significant improvement to their lives after bringing these EMF protection products into their homes. From sleep issues to headaches, they have watched many insidious health problems disappear within days.


Why are More People Not Buying These Products?

If these products do actually work, why are more people not buying them and talking about them? The reasons for this are actually simple. We rely so much on products which produce EMFs, like our phones and our other electronic devices that we simply don’t like to believe that they are going to harm us. However, this is a very blinkered and dangerous perspective. We should never be afraid to question the safety of something simply because the answer might be inconvenient to our everyday lives. If you aren’t afraid to start asking questions like these, you should start looking into EMF protection solutions right away. There might be a reason why you are sleeping so poorly, and likewise, the way to fix it might be far simpler than you think.

If you are ready to start combating the EMFs in your life, take a look at our fantastic range of products, and start to achieve the quality of life you’ve been searching for. Your journey starts today!


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