Vicki S and K9, NZ

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

EMF Products balance energies

Hi Margie and David Thanks so much for the wonderful products you’ve cleverly created! I’ve got a three Negaters in my house and I now sleep so well and I no longer have PMT which I have struggled with for years,

I have a dog from the SPCA and she was really timid and scared at first and now she is calm and so healthy and happy, since I’ve introduced her to the energy balancers, and she has her own by her bed! I’ve also purchased one of your Nu-Me Pendants to wear to work and I never take it off! I feel so good with it on, I’ve also purchased energy balancers for other family members and friends who think they are also great, especially for sleep problems and for calming the soul. Thanks again,

Vicki S and K9, NZ


Margaret Lovell, U.K.

S. Madison, Australia