Sue Y

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

Amazing Blockit Pockit

I just want to say that I purchased a Blockit-pockit recently and find it extremely useful. Amazing, in fact!
I have tried ringing my cell phone while it was in the back pocket and it was totally blocked. When I took my cell out of its pocket it took about 10-15 secs for a missed call message to show up.

Perhaps the most important thing for me is I now keep my phone in it while I’m driving. Living rural, I often travel longer distances to places. I’m finding my head is clearer and I’m not feeling what I now recognise as EMF stress and fog-brain after travelling. Fantastic. It stops my phone searching as I’m driving. I don’t think even turning it off and still having it in the car worked this well.

I have put your product page on our No 5G Waimakariri Facebook page, to share with others who will be having similar difficulties.

I purchased the shell and pyramid off you years ago, and use your RadiSafe on all our phones – both cell and landline, as well. Thanks for this Blockit-pockit.

Sue Y


Sunni Karll

Elizabeth, Etsy