Sue Nicholson, Wgtn, NZ

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

“I have been wearing the Nu-Me Pendant for about 4 months. In the work that I do I really need to be balanced and centered. It helps me to calm down when I am filming on TV. I also find that it harmonizes any negative energy that other people bring into your space no matter where you are, I find it hard to sleep because of a very active mind. It helps me have a peaceful nights sleep.

I have seen other pendants but nothing matches the quality and craftsmanship of the Nu-Me pendant.

I also have the P.e.bal (Pyramid Energy Balancer). When I received this I could not stop looking at the symbols on all four sides. I take it every where with me as I stay in many different hotels where people leave their energy, it clears the space inside and out of the building.

I also have it sitting in my workshops just like a force field. It’s also just a lovely piece to have sitting in your house or office and it does become a talking point when people see it and they just love to pick it up and feel the energy.

So many thanks to David and Margie for being able to use such amazing products.”

Sue Nicholson, Wgtn, NZ


G Chen, OH, USA

Valeria Saunders, USA