Roger Gail, U.K.

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

Thought I’d just let you know that I’ve just worn my Snappy for the first time on my night shift, where the Wi-Fi that was recently fitted was causing me so many problems/symptoms.
I’ve recently tried another device that successfully removed aches, pains and stress on the head, but really made my stomach upset and made me feel sick.
What I wasn’t prepared for with the Snappy was that my place of work had never felt healthier, even before the Wi-Fi arrived and no negative side effects. It is I assume neutralising other radiation apart from the Wi-Fi signals.

Anyway, must get to bed now. Very impressed, the 3rd protection I’ve tried and by far the best.

Thanks again

Roger Gail, U.K.


Sheila, USA

Mimi Subrata, Australia