RC, Qld, Australia

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

I have recently placed 2 orders with you, the first for myself, then the second for some items for my mum.

Firstly, I would like to thank you so much for the quality of your products, the speed and efficiency of your dispatch and the overall professionalism of your organisation. I looked at many websites trying to find some answers to help me with my EMF related illnesses and was completely overwhelmed. Your website came across as genuine, had a lot of back-up presented for its claims, and the fact that you offered a money-back guarantee encouraged me to go ahead with my first order. Thanks also for the 10% discount voucher for the second order. It really helped.

Secondly, the p.e.bal & Negater Shell have changed my life for the better in such a short time. After nearly two years of being unable to sleep in the bedroom with my husband because of the high level radiation problems there (due to space restraints we couldn’t move the bed anywhere else in the house), I have been able to successfully sleep there since obtaining your products. The first couple of nights I experienced only minimal night terror hallucinations (and no sleep walking!), but in the nights since I have slept without any of these distressing symptoms. Both my boys suffer sleep disturbances, sleep walking and night terrors as well, but they have had no episodes since the p.e.bal has been in place. They also report feeling more rested in the mornings, are waking bright and in good spirits.

In addition, I have been using the Negater Shell to help with the pain in my hips. At times I have been virtually unable to lift my leg to the front or side without debilitating pain, but a few hours with the Negater Shell held in a pocket next to the area relieves nearly all the discomfort. My mum has had her Negater for only 12 hours overnight and weeks of arthritic pain in her left hip (that had her hobbling around like an old woman) have reduced so much that she is walking normally this morning. Thank you. We have put the RadiSafe on our mobile phones and immediately have noticed the difference in heat produced on our ears and in the side of our head. I am so relieved and excited that your products have met and exceeded our expectations. My husband and I are currently saving to purchase a NU Me each and the snappy for our boys.

Once again, thank you for providing such wonderful products to help people like us.

RC, Qld, Australia


Anu Luik, UK

Kate Fitness, NZ