Patricia, Canada

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

Nu-me Pendant protects against EMF

I’m living in Canada in a city after many years in the country in Australia , and so am very aware of being constantly surrounded by electro magnetic forces.

I spend quite a lot of time in front of a computer which I wasn’t able to do before I started wearing the Nu-Me. A couple of weeks ago the chain broke and I couldn’t find a new one so I went for maybe 10 days not wearing it. I found I was getting tired easily in front of the computer and couldn’t work nearly as long or clearly as I had been. And then it clicked ……no Nu-Me … I strung it up with a piece of wool , and the change was almost instantaneous. Once again I was easily able to be amongst all the electrical paraphernalia that is a necessary part of my office.

Patricia, Canada



Colleen McLeod, NZ