Mike, Australia

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

I describe the p.e.bal as a “serenity tool” for the house or workplace, in that it simply removes from the environment those negative energies which contribute so much to the daily stresses and angst we normally experience. How the pyramid works at an intellectual level has been described in the literature that David and Margie supply. How the device works at a consciousness level is another story – suffice to say that it powerfully connects each being within its radius to the universal consciousness that surrounds us all and – having got rid of negative energies – allows us to access the loving energy of creation.

The proof? – take the pyramid out of the workplace or home for a few days and see what happens! If you prefer to be bathed 24/7 in an atmosphere of calmness, happiness and creative focus you’ll quickly return the pyramid to its place within the home or office and regard it with love and even reverence. It is a magical device!

See full testimonial http://lifeenergysolutions.com/blog/mikestestimonial/

Mike, Australia


Yvonne, Auckland, NZ

Michael, Australia