Marita Schlink, Australia

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

Just letting you know that my Life-Energy order arrived today. It was a quick delivery. I placed the order last Wednesday and it arrived safe and sound to my home in Buderim, Qld.

I placed the Nu-Me Skinny pendant on and felt an immediate relief. Body felt relaxed and grounded and centred. Thank you , also, for the RadiSafe cell phone protectors and the orange stone pendant. ( orange is my colour) Great to see the flyer on the QSB as well. We use to make homemade tesla coils for personal home use  back in the early ’80’s so it’s great to see this technology and knowledge finally come to the fore.

Thank you once again for your products they are spectacular.

Thanks once again and kind regards,

Absolutely you may share the words. I am very sensitive to energies and I am feeling so myself again and in my body and I’ve had the P.e bal and skinny nu-me less than 24hrs and can truly feel a difference

Marita Schlink, Australia


Carolyn Wilfred, NZ

Elysia, USA