Long Term Nu-Me Pendant Wearers

  • January 27, 2022
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Cherry McGuire- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?8 years

How have you benefited? Sleeping better at night.


Claudine Jones -US

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant? 4 moths

How have you benefited?  I have noticed that I sleep more soundly and also my husband sleeping next to me also says he has the same experience.  I don’t wake up periodically throughout the night like I used to. 


Norma Mage -US

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?2 years

How have you benefited?  I sleep much better at night and am generally more serene.


Jennifer Bellandi -US

How have you benefited?  Better sleep, overall calmer.

Energy Balance:

Carolyn W- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?10-15 years

How have you benefited?  Everything is better and more balanced…physically, mentally, and emotionally! I love, love, love it!! See below:

When first putting the pendant on, I got a headache and slept for about an hour in the afternoon…as you know, it warns you about that in the information that comes with it. It was obviously really working on aligning and cleaning up my energy. The first night I slept soooo well with my pendant on and have been having really good healing sleeps ever since. I am so much calmer and more relaxed even though I would normally be stressed and thinking way too much with everything that is going on around me, including covid lockdowns, social distancing, masks etc. I could feel the difference in my body right away after I put the pendant on…super sensitive me. LOL It really really does help!  It is very different, stronger vibration wise and lighter in weight (hardly know you’re wearing it) than the other older and heavier one I had years ago. When I take it off to have a bath, I can energetically tell I don’t have it on.

If you have never been exposed to this kind of balancing energy, you may have to do what is suggested by wearing it 2 hours on and 2 hours off until you get used to it. I experienced quite a few deep-seated emotions coming up that I have had to work and breathe through, but that is a good thing as they finally get resolved. Even though I have used these products for many years, it still took me over a week to get used to the energy shifts in my body…I still sense subtle changes. I have used many of the Life Energy Solution reputable products over the years and continue to be so happy with all of them.

Thanks and God Bless!


Name withheld- AUS

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – Since the year 2000/2001 when my brother purchased it for me when I was having a personal crisis.

How have you benefited?  It has helped me immensely, originally to feel calm, less anxious, less emotional and cope with the stress of my situation. Now, I don’t wear it every day but realize I should be when I start to feel uneasy, scattered and less calm, so start wearing it again and almost immediately feel calm and balanced again.  At times I have even lent it to friends but not for long!!  Thank you for doing this new for old promotion as lately have been wondering if I needed to purchase a new stronger Nu- Me with the stronger EMF’s that are around now.  Thanks to you, I am able to. 


Name withheld-

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – At least 15years, maybe longer!

 How have you benefited?  Been wearing it for so long, I can’t imagine life without it – I guess I feel more grounded and calm no matter what is thrown my way!


Heather V- US

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant? –  at least 10 years now.

How have you benefited?  I can’t remember exactly how long I’ve had my Nu-Me.   A friend let me wear hers for a few hours and I purchased one the next day. I feel so grounded when I wear my pendant.  I wear it most days and feel that it has helped me so much.


Parris Marshall-Whitten – NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – I’ve worn the large nu me for several years now.

How have you benefited?  I work Tauranga city, Bethlehem at our massage therapy clinic hands to heal massage therapy.

My pendant is worn in conjunction with a heavy silver chain, it has been a game changer for me in regard to balancing a 5g communications tower 100mtr west of our clinic, of course 100% Wi-Fi/Bluetooth in our clinic , 42,500 traffic average every day, different distress/energies the clients bring with them, and we balance before they go.

Also, the solar flares we have from time to time affect the nature of my work and energies of the clients noticeably.

We have strategically place p.e.bals at every compass point in the clinic and have the RadiSafe buttons on each of our iPads x5 and iPhones x2.

My opinion if it was not for the fantastic products the world would be a different place.


Danielle -NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – Since May 2021

How have you benefited?  My energy levels are amazing and recovery after a hard day’s work, instantaneous.


Julia Saunders- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?   I have been wearing my pendant every day for the past 7 or 8 years.

How have you benefited?  I certainly notice if I haven’t put it on, I’m very sensitive to feeling energies, it’s the best thing I’ve brought for protection, strength it makes me feel complete.


Gerry Embriz-Salgado- US

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – 2 years +

How have you benefited?  Greater energetic coherence and environmental protection. 


Raewyn Ensor- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – 15 years,

How have you benefited?  Peace and harmony


Victor Chalas- US

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – About 1 year.

How have you benefited?  I have felt in harmony with my environment


 Protective Energy:

Susana Pimentel- US

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – 4 years!

How have you benefited?  The most significant benefit I noticed, was protective energy while around others who are negative/low vibration.  I am an empath.


Wendy Schacherer – NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  I started wearing the old original style when it first came out. I don’t remember exactly when, maybe early 2000’s. Then bought the next updated style for my husband.

How have you benefited?  I am very sensitive to negative energy and other people’s emotions, and I do find the Nu-Me pendant helps keep me grounded. I have worn it for so many years that I don’t want to know how it feels without it. 


Wellness/ Health:

Frank & Marisol Cancro- US

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – 2 years

How have you benefited?  I feel happier, calmer and my anxiety is almost gone. It truly allows me to me to be a happier person. Thank you!!


Jenny Arrowsmith- AUS

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant? Since Feb 2002

How have you benefited?  Just staying healthy and doing all I can to avoid exposure.


Wellness/Health & EMF Protection:

Janette Webb- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant? approx. 8 years

How have you benefited?  I feel I’m doing everything I can to protect myself from EMFs and I feel calm and relaxed  when wearing it. I have worn it when I’ve travelled extensively around the USA and I keep amazing good health throughout my travels.


Catherine Grey- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – 6 months

How have you benefited?  Peace of mind in these troubling times and feeling surrounded by 5GEE towers everywhere 😊


Name withheld- Canada

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?Oct 2020 Since I purchased it! I haven’t gone a day without.

How have you benefited?  It has been calming for me and also has decreased some allergy symptoms.  Psychologically it brings me comfort knowing I have started my journey in reducing and mitigating emf exposure. 


Lara McKenna- AUS

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant? Since I purchased it I haven’t gone a day without.

How have you benefited?  Protection from the massive emf levels at my school/ workplace.  Also helps me sleep, keeps me grounded.  


EMF Protection:

Sheri Watson- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant? I have 3 so far. My copper one I bought January 2019 but had my silver before this.

How have you benefited?  Satisfaction of knowing I am protected.


Allyson Cribb- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – about 5-7 years

How have you benefited?  Definitely the protection aspect.  The EMF situation has ramped up over the time that I’ve had the pendant and it’s been such a relief to have it.  I’ve been muscle tested with it and it really does make a huge difference. Feel more grounded and balanced generally wearing it.


Lisa Doyon – US

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – Daughter for several years.  Me for several months.

How have you benefited?  I lived where there was high EMFs and my muscle testing showed this made it safe for me to be there. 


Barbara Roberts- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – 5-6 years, maybe longer

How have you benefited?  I work in a small space with a lot of computers and Wi-Fi. I was getting headaches by the afternoon from the EMF, which stopped happening as soon as I got my Nu-Me. I knew it was the computers and EMF as I don’t generally get headaches at all. I don’t always wear it at home, but I always wear it for work.


Susan Turbott – NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – I was gifted a pendant 4.5 years ago, as a Christmas present from my niece.

How have you benefited?  It’s just nice to know i am protected, especially with all this 5G technology, and emissions, power boxes etc, and going into town and all the radiation from these emissions. I wear mine day and night. 


Christine Lemin – NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?around 18mths. I also purchased one for our son at a later date.

How have you benefited?  Knowing all the emf pollution around now and having experienced our little dog suddenly having major seizures when the towers were being tested – she passed 6 months later, I had also purchased one for her and for her brother also – I felt more protected, so I guess it was the safety aspect which I took responsibility for by wearing the pendant. 


Tania Arona- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – many years along with my 4 dogs who love their Nu-Me pets.

How have you benefited?  I will give my pendent to my mum she gets a bit of feedback from aerials close buy her home the sound is not good, or the way makes us feel. I know it protects me as I’m quite sensitive and need all the protection I can get as I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I think this has made me more sensitive to the frequencies today.


EMF protection & balance:

Carolyn Smith – NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – 15yrs +

How have you benefited?   I got mine when Marg and David first began Life Energy!!! And I became one of their first affiliates.  😊

Peace of mind!!. I believe it helps protect me from Wi-Fi, 5G, electromagnetic field radiation, geopathic stress and balances, not only me, but my home. I am also on the computer a lot so, with the Pyramid P.e.bal next to my computer, my Shell shield next to my bed, together with me wearing my copper Nu-Me, my body is balanced and safe from the electromagnetic “soup” we live in. I also have the Ki-Bal Keyring on my handbag! 😊


Joanna- NZ

I have lost my original pendant and am wanting to buy three pendants for myself and two other friends.

How have you benefited?  I noticed a huge difference in my personal energies when I wore my Nu-Me at my office as I work on a pc and right by a photocopier which both emanate vibrations that can make me feel sick some days.  With the Nu-Me necklace I just felt clear of computer energy and the photocopier did not bother me at all.  However, unfortunately I have lost it as I did not have it on a chain, and it has gone missing.


Hewlett- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant? around 4 years ago?

How have you benefited?  I first purchased my Nu Me pendant- I think it was around 4 years ago. Benefits are peace of mind and a sense of calm and I feel it helps ‘anxiety’ which is probably also electromagnetic stress


Marsha Jobes- NZ

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant? –   Approx. 15 -20 years

How have you benefited?  As a sensitive I felt a huge amount of EMF … more settled … lots of different feelings 


Ken Wright- AUS

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – At least 5 years and more.

How have you benefited?  Peace of mind.



Anthony Bolton – AUS

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – about 4 years,

How have you benefited?  Confidence – wear it all day every day, sleeps on my bedside table until i awake in the morning, it gives me confidence when I’m out and about, thank you 


Name withheld, AUS

How long wearing a Nu-Me Pendant?  – A few years now.

How have you benefited?  Feeling comfortable in my field.








Amy Balmer NZ
