• January 28, 2022
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Ki-bal Benefits

“Being seriously concerned about the major increase EMFs in our environment I sought out companies that produced products that combat their negative effects.   Apparently the products I had purchased in the past were not working because after the first night of leaving the ki-bal key-ring on the night table beside my bed  I had the best night’s sleep that I’ve ever had (and I thought I was already sleeping well).  Now I am having beautiful – FUN dreams whenever the ki-bal is next to my bed, if I forget it the dreams change negatively.  Also, when it’s next to my computer the energy is lighter, softer, sweeter.  Anytime I’m feeling icky at my computer it’s because the ki-bal is not nearby.  I tell anyone who will listen about my new “friends” in New Zealand and these wonderful products.  I look forward to purchasing more (a lot more) of these effective and BEAUTIFULLY-styled products not only for myself, but for friends and family.  Keep up the great work.  L.S. Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA”

L S, Nth Carolina, USA


Lara McKenna, Australia

Kendall Webb, USA