Elizabeth, Etsy

  • January 27, 2022
  • 0

I purchased the Power P.E.BAL two days ago and am absolutely delighted with the results. I am very sensitive to EMF. I now feel calm, contented, and inwardly peaceful, quite the opposite of how I’ve been feeling lately. (Could this be because of 5G satellites circling the planet?) However, I used a pendulum to check where I should put it and got mixed results. What I discovered was the pendulum showed negative unless the protection symbol faces me. This may change according to my needs, but I have tested many times with the same result. I thought this might be something for you to consider. I am getting the Nu-Me Protective Pendant this afternoon. I can’t wait to get it! Thank you so much for all you have done to give us this protection and healing.

Elizabeth, Etsy


Elizabeth, Etsy

Andrew Richardson, USA