QSB & QSB Wave Testimonials
This page shows some of the feedback we have received for the QSB and now we have added recent feedback on the QSB Wave, our new Quantum Wave Genetics anti-aging and healing accessory for the QSB.
I’m still loving my qsb wave. My 18 year old son who lives with intellectual disability continues to progress in leaps and bounds with his understanding of the world around him, his conversation skills and practical abilities. Yesterday he showed a new level of independence with making dinner. I’m thrilled and blown away. We have the qsb wave on for 20 min a day with a photo of me while I was pregnant with him on it (as the insult for him I believe came very soon after birth and we don’t have a photo before that) and his dna beside it.
Her most recent update:
“My son’s development and abilities continue to upshift and I’m sure the qsb wave supports this. Most recently he is working towards getting his learners drivers license and is independently using his eftpos card to make purchases. His ability to initiate and continue conversation and enjoy reciprocal friendships is vastly improved. All of these things I didn’t imagine possible but are now the norm.”
A story first:
I went to my dentist about 3 months again about a tooth problem and the x-ray result concerned him so he said to keep an eye on it and come back in three months or sooner if it gets worse.I did that and he took another x-ray and his words when he viewed the x-ray were ‘I have not seen this happen before maybe a specialist has but not me. Your tooth is growing new bone’. This supports its healing process’. I smiled broadly and said (to myself) THANK YOU QSB and WAVE. Billie via QSB Forum
QSB & QSB Wave
“Hi everyone I am sorry if I am in the wrong section but I have to admit I find this forum a difficult to follow.
However I would like to tell of my experiences with the wave. I have been using the QSB for many years and find it is a great stress releaser and love the calm energy.
Since using the wave I have found like others that some past emotions and or belief programs where still gently running in the back ground that I thought I had dealt with.
This morning I felt a great sense of self calm and connection to my soul that has eluluded me for many years. I love the positive changes I am noticing with in myself.
I love this technology for me very simple to understand and use.
David and team from my heart thank you.” Eileen via Forum
I bought the QSB and QSB wave. I used the QSB alone, on night 1, all night. Had the BEST sleep I’ve had in 10 years. Although, the next afternoon, I was completely wiped out. Since then, I have used it while sleeping, for only a few hours at a time and I really noticed it – my body was getting used to it and I felt like I was detoxing as it was a bit rough, so I had to get up and turn it off. I was also thirsty and realised there is a need to be well hydrated prior to commencing use. Since then, I have been using it for the optimal (recommended) amount of time, for 1.30hrs daily (with the wave and my baby photo). I have way more energy and less brain fog. Really enjoying this and hate to miss a day! Thank you Margie and David
“I had an eye test this week which showed the sight in one of my eyes has improved so much that I can now read books and magazines again, despite Macula Degeneration. The tester(Opthalmologist?)’s remark about the result was: ‘Unusual picture but it does occasionally happen’ …. 🙂
Hurray for the QSB wave!! And you guys developing it. Helma, New Zealand
“Loving the QSB I purchased from you recently. My insomnia of the last 5 years has completely disappeared since the first night I started using it, as has my digestive issue. Quite miraculous and instant!!!!” Lisa S, Lower Hutt.
“It’s interesting you say that you have guidance for your next steps with your products… Since Marg said in the newsletter than she runs the QSB all night to help insomnia, I’ve done the same and had wonderful deep sleeps (after being an insomniac for 30yrs). I have a vision that all homes/shops/buildings around the world have one or more of your QSB ‘s. It’s just inspiration I’ve had the more I use your beautiful products so we will keep opening the energy up for that to happen. I will hold that dream for you and leave the details up to Spirit to work on! So keep the faith and keep moving forward, companies like you are needed throughout the world especially with all the awful control that’s been coming in now for several years.” Wendy Blair
A report on my new treasure, the crystal water bottle. After four months of serious problems with my right hand, but with some recent improvement, I was startled last week when I realised that there was considerable improvement in my hand, that pain had gone and there is a lot less swelling.I can only attribute this to the water which is confirmed by dousing. I have also had my QSB tuned in to 666 in the mornings from 10-12, but dousing says that is not the reason for the improvement. As well, my equilibrium is quite extraordinary. A less than sensitive handling from the church where I have been sole organist for about 25 years has resulted in my leaving the church. In past years I would have been bitter and resentful. Not so now. My spiritual understanding is free from things that I couldn’t accept, I have had the strength to make a stand and walk away from what was not right for me, and I am calm and peaceful. How priceless is that? So my pendant, QSB, Power P.e.bal, Ki-bal, my shell, my Radi-Safe Protect, and now my crystal water bottle are my most valuable possessions, in use every day. Interestingly I have hardly any pain from the various problems with my spine. I wonder why?!I was given very beautiful flowers this week. They are in energised crystal water. It will be interesting to see how long they remain fresh. I have followed Dr Emoto for years and have put some energised water in a jar with the following label: The right of choice and free speech for all on planet Earth. I’ll probably have a few more jars with different labels operating very soon. That feels SO good. The bottle is never empty. Energised water goes into a crystal jug, and the bottle is filled again. It is so satisfying and simple.So once again, dear David, enormous gratitude from me. Elizabeth Salmon, NZ
Thanks for incredible Quantum Scaler Box producing relaxing harmonizing energy in my home in London. It turned it into a magical flat and all my neighbours are asking me who got me that magical device making everyone relaxed and happy. Roberto Real, London, UK
I have been using my QSB and it’s fabulous! I put it on early in the morning when we are still in bed and we all sleep sounder, even the dogs! I have the PE Bal on top too as suggested 🙂 CG, Australia
I feel very happy with my QSB. I feel calmer and feel better when I use it and less anxiety. I have also noticed that I have been able to reduce some of my sedatives (benzodiazepines) ? Håkan, Sweden
I’m excited reading about people’s experiments with water so late this arvo I put just one mouthful of water in a glass next to my QSB and ran it on automatic for 1 hour, 15 minutes (I use a timer which has just 15 min periods). I started small cos I tend to have intense reactions. I drank the water immediately at the end. Within a few minutes I was burping away very regularly for 25 minutes and now, 2 hours later, just the odd burp here and there, which is definitely a detox. Digestive issues have been with me most of my life. From The QSB forum
For over two and a half years I have had to sleep in a LazyBoy because of shoulder, back and hip pain. While the hip and back pain resolved itself earlier this year the shoulder pain has remained. It became a big problem after a fall two months ago. I have used a frequency for neck and shoulder pain for some days now, running the programme daily. Part of the problem is muscular so yesterday I added a sequence for muscular repair.I began to sleep in my bed again two weeks ago but shoulder pain was still a problem. This morning I woke realising that there had been no pain during the night and that I could raise my arm freely. Rotating it behind me has improved although still a problem to be worked on. This is the muscular issue.
My QSB is used several times a day. I run Solfeggio while I sleep, having adjust the times to 20 minutes for each frequency. This makes a total of 3 hours.
The arthritis in my hands is hardly painful now.
The sequences are as follows for anyone interested:
SHOULDERS: 174 / 261 / 285 / 741 / 852 10-20 minutes per frequency
MUSCLE REPAIR: 120 / 240 – 30 minutes per frequency
ARTHITIS either 174 / 261 / 285 / 741 / 852 (dowsed) (as for shoulders)
or 174 / 285 / 396 / 741 / 852 (dowsed)For well over two years I walked with a walking stick, slowly with difficulty. I have/had a spinal stenosis and quite a few issues with my spine. I haven’t used the stick this year, but I have lacked energy and motivation to do things, very unlike me. After a short time with the QSB I am achieving so much more during the day. I feel alive again and keen to do things with my day. I fall asleep at night with the QSB running and sleep well. I am dreaming again. I have had a problem with rejection all my life. After intending for healing of that during one session of Solfeggio 9 that seems to have disappeared.
In short, the QSB is a miracle device for which I am supremely grateful. I know the onion has many layers, and I have had many onions to deal with in my life, but my spiritual understanding is that there is no health problem that cannot be healed with the right attitude and ‘tools’. It seems a tall order!! But as I see it, the QSB helps to unlock that mystery. I have asked for a spiritual group of helpers to be part of my intending group to intensify the power of intention. There are more issues to be worked on but it’s a matter of priorities without overload.
Thank you David and Margie again and again. Elizabeth Salmon
As the result of a near death experience in 2002, I am what is considered a walking miracle, but also a trauma-onset diabetic. When I was literally dying in the hospital, my organs were shutting down, and then my husband sat beside my bed and sang me a love song, and I turned around and came back to life, all except for my pancreas so I have been diabetic for 16 years now. The doctors told me that it was temporary, that my condition would reverse itself, but that hasn’t happened until the QSB!
I have been using my QSB daily for a week, and during that time, I am thrilled to say that I have been able to reduce my insulin by five units! That is a gigantic shift for me, and it suggests that my pancreas is regaining strength!
I have very tight control over my glucose readings, so I expect to be able to update you periodically about progress with this condition! I can’t even begin to tell you what this means to me.
You may feel free to quote me on your newsletter and I will make a posting about it.
I have a list of things that I will be tracking, but none of them are quite as dramatic as this is. I think you guys have a tiger by the tail! Sheila Van Houten, U.SA
More from Sheila:
February 2019 will mark our first year with our QSB! I am so pleased to itemize our experiences with it!
My husband requests a double session as soon as he gets home from work. He settles back in his chair and immediately starts snoring! The QSB takes away all of his aches and pains from his very physical career!
My list is much longer, so here we go:
The first thing that happened was that I have been able to reduce my insulin intake by a full third, and it has held all year! I am a trauma-onset diabetic, and I am so pleased with this result. It means my pancreas is working better!
Next, I am so happy to say that the tiny little body spasms that I was experiencing all over in very random order have totally disappeared. I am very relieved because I was a little concerned that something was developing neurologically.
Next, I notice that I am stronger, steadier, calmer, even my hand writing has improved, and I find it very easy to stay in my optimistic frame of mind without drifting into worry and concern!
My eyesight, and the eyesight of a client, has improved noticeably. We are both on a homeopathic for slight cataracts, and neither of us want eye surgery which does not even prevent them from coming back, so we are delighted.
My clients love the QSB, and several of them have purchased one. They have given me raving reviews about their experiences, including the fact that their pets love to be around when the QSB is running!
One of my clients has had a permanent unblocking of the nerves in her left arm! It happened with her very first experience with the QSB right here in our living room!
Another client, a new widow, has been able to work through her grief so much more easily now that she has her USB, and her new little puppy loves it as well.
I will be 75 in February! I neither look nor feel that old! I give great deal of credit to the QSB and your other amazing products, which we do have and use, like the beautiful shell negator and the Aventurine infinity loop.
I forgot to mention that a very troublesome scar-tissue issue which carried an emotional load with it from 54 years ago, is totally resolved! No more pain on any level! I even forgot to mention it, the relief is that complete! Wow! Scar-tissue issues are very common I have found, and so often, there seems to be no relief that works.
Sheila Van Houten, DD, PhD Expert Career-and-Life Coaching Since 1979
Love your video – heaps of awesome info! I’m now using mine every day and it’s pretty amazing, I can feel the changes, gets ‘harder’ then things drop away (I can feel it in my teeth sometimes too) Is an amazing device. Am going to put the frequencies into the rose water that goes into our face creams and sprays. We have been infusing everything in our production area with solfeggio music five days a week which I’m sure has helped. Triona Daly, Wendyls, New Zealand
A friend of mine commented in the last fortnight that she can feel the calmness at my place.
She’s never mentioned that before in the many years I’ve known her….I did notice that the first time I ran the QSB at home – me, my partner and my daughter all went to bed and were sound asleep much earlier than usual (about 8.30/9.00pm instead of about 10.30pm). That was an interesting side effect! Claire V Wellington
I’ve been using it every day and it’s been a very interesting process so far, a lot of stuff coming up and then today I’m feeling wonderful, am loving it! My friend who has Crones disease is going to come over next week and give it a try. Triona from Wendyl’
I have adrenal fatigue and have to sleep often during day for an hour or two………. I am using the QSB during this time or even while studying… first couple of times, I really noticed nothing and have very close to me.. however after a week, I noticed I started getting frustrated and angry when first put on while trying to get to sleep – not sure if just my state of mind/emotions or QSB bringing up stuff.. but then after a session or two (going through the frequencies) I find myself more energised and less stress – and I have an exam this week!! So happy to feel less stressed.. I love having my QSB and knowing what potential it has. Kimmaree – QSB forum
“Thank you for the very prompt delivery of our QSB!! We have already tried it out – fantastic. Our energy junkie cat soon found us and had to join in too.” Audrey Hawks Bay, NZ
“By the way, I am loving my QSB, am sleeping better, have more energy and have a feeling of calmness. Great stuff!” Merrilyn NZ
“By the way loving the qsb 🙂 Both my husband and i had quite full on effects to begin with – headaches and strange aches and pains. We knew it was working its magic. I love it -, especially for my mediations. I can’t wait to have the time to explore different frequencies tailored to our own needs. Haven’t introduced it to my psych-k clients yet – want to play around with muscle testing for individual use etc first. Thanks to you and your team for creating such beautiful products :-)” Hester, NZ
“I sprained my ankle quite badly coming down the stairs the other week. This sort of injury can take quite a while to heal, I know. As a woman in my seventies, they can take a little longer. Anyway, I had the presence of mind to start using the QSB right away. Well, I could feel some serious tingling going on in my ankle during treatment. After 2 days, yes 2 days, it was completely healed – Amazing!” Jenny, South Island New Zealand.
“I mainly purchased a QSB for my insomnia, as I have major problems with sleeping. Has been a major issue in my life for many years. I have tried everything imaginable. Under recommendation, I have the QSB on a timer for when I go to bed for 70 minutes and again in the morning before I rise. The results happened on the first night.I now look forward to bedtime instead of dreading each evening. Had forgotten how a good nights sleep felt. I am a different person already and its only been a week. Debbie, Waipu, New Zealand.
“My experience with the QSB has been positive. For some reason it really clears up my sinuses! Not sure why but it does an amazing job. My husband now sleeps without loud snoring which is wonderful for both of us. My two cats, rescue cats, also now sleep well. Being rescue cats they came with a lot of stress. They like to sleep in the room with the QSB. They used to sleep on the bed with me now the QSB seems to be preferable – unless I turn it off before they go to bed! I told my son about the QSB and he has now purchased a QSB. He received the upgrade package, experimented with single frequencies and has had positive results. He has had a very nasty flu and found much relief in the QSB. He told me today that he turns it on as soon as he gets home.” Dr Liz Tatum PhD
“Thanks!! I receive my order and find the QSB -simply amazing!! I use it every morning for 1 – 2 cycles during meditation -it is powerful and uplifting. Later in the day, I may I use it again to combat a depressive mood – the QSB eases these unconscious traumas which sometimes surface. For this alone, it’s invaluable.” Lavonne V., Canada.
Do you have a YouTube about the QSB frequencies? I use it all the time in my apartment and even my neighbours feel better! My neighbour told me that her apartment feels so cosy she never wants to go out and I told her that I know why and even showed her the QSB. Donna, USA
“I love the QSB and left it on all night. I definitely feel the subtle effects on my body and felt wonderful when I woke up this morning. I also felt the air in my room had become energized, so I was wondering if drinks and foods in the apartment can also be affected and what is the range of the QSB since scalar waves can go thru walls.” Eddie Wooster NSW Australia.
“Love my QSB and my Ki- ball. Go to sleep with the QSB running every night and sleep well.” Caitlin Grace
“My experience putting the QSB + Power PE BAL underneath my seat has been fantastic. It’s clear that there is more going on than with a purely QSB session. I’d describe it as your website describes: structured as opposed to simply emanated.” Matt Sena, USA
“I have to share something rather puzzling and, to me, amazing about my initial experience with the QSB. As soon as I had unpacked the device I sat down to experience it in a state of great anticipation. I dutifully turned off all Wi-Fi in my home, followed the instructions, sat for an hour and ten minutes in a state of the most intense meditative state I have ever experienced. I have had similar experiences but for much shorter times, and mostly find it difficult to shut off my busy mind.
My mind was focussed on the healing of quite a sizable lump I have on my chest wall. I think, and hope it is benign but haven’t had it checked yet because of the difficult of getting a doctor’s appointment at present. I’m not worried about it.
Consider my utter delight as I went from different types of colour patterns, each one lasting possibly ten minutes in accordance with the solfeggio frequencies changing. To stay in that state for 70 minutes was amazing for me. I was totally relaxed but present in what was happening, with a still mind – apart from observing the colours.” Elizabeth Salmon, New Zealand
“I had been working with this Cocker Spaniel for 2 weeks. When he came to me he was biting everybody and completely out of control. I had gotten him to the point where he had stopped biting but was still very agitated and barking at everyone non-stop. I gave him three sessions with the QSB and he is now completely placid and even-tempered – Amazing!!” Deb – Animal Communicator Australia.
“We have this cat that was over grooming to the point that his fur was coming out and leaving bald patches. We have been playing the QSB in the room and him and our other cat seem to love it. More importantly, the over-grooming has stopped completely!” Brian W. Hastings, NZ
“My gorgeous Burmese Cat ended up on my bed – I was down stairs & when I went up there was blood for Africa on my sheets. A friend took him to the Vet & he was chocking and bleeding – they put him on antibiotics which were very hard to give to him. Anyway I had a better idea and used the QSB which I have beside my bed & he healed very quickly. I still don’t know what happened to him but I know the machine healed him ( he will be 16 this year) & both him & his sister jump on my bed when I put it on. I have a QSB in my Bed Room & one in my Media Room down stairs. My Cats are very relaxed and I feel they are both loving the QSB. Jenny, New Zealand
I would like to tell of my experiences with the wave. I have been using the QSB for many years and find it is a great stress releaser and love the calm energy. Since using the wave I have found like others that some past emotions and or belief programs were still gently running in the back ground that I thought I had dealt with. This morning I felt a great sense of self calm and connection to my soul that has eluluded me for many years. I love the positive changes I am noticing with in myself.I love this technology for me very simple to understand and use.David and team from my heart thankyou. Eileen, Vic., Australia (via forum).
QSB & QSB Wave
“Hi Everyone, I wanted to share my experience with the QSB Wave so far.I have been using it every night for just over five weeks.I began with 2 hour sessions, and then dropped down to 90 minutes.The first thing I noticed was the sensation that my skin was burning (like when you have been out in the sun for too long).This sensation has stayed with me during the use of the QSB Wave, but it isn’t as strong now.I have also been having lots of dreams every night.The dreams have stirred up a lot of memories from the past.It is incredible how persons who were some sort of stress to me 30 years ago would now appear in my dreams, as an example.It has made me realise how we store every bit of experience/stress within the body, and we carry it around with us for decades.The dreams are now becoming less.I was also feeling very fatigued during this time, but it is improving. The QSB Wave is helping me to see things more clearly.I guess all those dreams are a way of dealing and coming to terms with situations and people throughout life, and to see things more clearly.I actually feel more at peace within myself.It is a nice feeling to begin experiencing this shift.
Around the second week of use, I noticed the sun damage on the skin of my arms dramatically improved.Last week, I noticed the grey in my hair appeared to be a lot less.Thank you, David, for mentioning your improvement in your hair in yesterday’s post.Yes, it is happening to others!Not only is it happening to me, but it is happening to my mum.My mum is 93 years old, and had complete grey hair.Yesterday, I was shocked when I noticed sections of her hair had turned darker!I have not had my mum’s baby photo on the QSB Wave (she doesn’t have any baby photos), nor have I used any of her DNA samples as yet.I always turn on my QSB Wave when I go to bed.My mum’s bedroom is next to my room, so it appears the 528 frequency in my room is reaching her as well!
It’s still early days, but to have all the above happen in less than six weeks is amazing.I wonder what else is there to come?Thank you Margie and David!” Rosemary, NSW, Australia.
QSB & QSB Wave
I know that miracles happen. But – probably not to me. Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I just have to share this with you.
Starting at the age of nine I have had three lots of bone surgery on the top of my foot for osteomyelitis, an abscess in the marrow of the bone. The scar has gone from dreadful, to improved, to, thank you, Mr Fraser – just a thin knife line. But always the skin was attached to the bone causing discomfort. Over the last two weeks or so I’ve become aware of a noticeably soft feeling in that area, now comfortable for my other foot to rest on in bed, normally knobbly and sensitive. I didn’t think of looking at the scar until this evening. But – I couldn’t find it! I had to get a torch to check. I’m absolutely gobsmacked. Most of it has disappeared. And there might even be a little more padding. It’s the most extraordinary gift imaginable, after seventy-four years. There’s only one explanation for this. It’s called the QSB Wave age reversal healing. Get out the champagne, David and Margie – what a testimony to your work!! Fisher, New Zealand. (via forum).
QSB & QSB Wave
‘Having used the QSB Wave daily for four months today, it is time for me to review the benefits that I have experienced.
At the beginning, an increase of energy, mental focus, and feeling at least ten years younger was obvious and exciting. I started to experiment with the Wave, charging water with various organic foods which I take this daily with amazing results for my alimentary canal. No longer do I get an acid stomach, and my bowel is now my friend as long as I keep off gluten.
I became aware that an uncomfortable scar on my foot from childhood bone surgery felt padded and smooth. After a lifetime of discomfort, this is a miracle. And the pain in my neck while at the computer has gone.
I am walking more easily and my arthritic fingers are pain-free.
I’m sure my hair is getting a little darker.
There have been uncomfortable emotional releases as life issues are worked on and released (I hope!) from my DNA. Maybe a work in progress!
What next, I wonder!It is a privilege and great pleasure to share the QSB Wave through remote healing.
What an incredible gift you have given us, Margie and David.’ Elizabeth S. NZ
“I am just using baby and current photos for everyone. Have had good success in the past week.
My husband and I had some sleeping difficulties. After using Wave for the first time, we now get 8 hours of uninterrupted quality sleep nightly. My sleep is much deeper and more refreshing.
Another client who had crippling anxiety that kept him at home is now enjoying peacefulness. He is able to do things he wants and is enjoying being out and about. He says every day he feels a little better than the day before.
Another client reports increased overall energy and ability to get more done in a day.
Another client with a neurological condition and issues with sleep has reported improvement. He is having more good days than bad days.
I am also using this for a 16-year-old dog with health issues. I should have an update on that soon.
It is amazing what QSB Wave can do.” Leigh-Ann QSB Wave practitioner USA
QSB & QSB Wave
I just wanted to touch base with you and to let you know that I’m absolutely loving my QSB upgrade pack (QSB+QSB Wave+Upgrade). Absolutely love it!!
It was worth the wait!
So easy to put together and a good quality product!! Probably one of the best investments I’ve ever made!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Sending you lots of love
Josephine❤️ Josephine S NSW Australia
QSB & QSB Wave
We’ve been using it for 1.5 hours every evening with our written intentions, (photos not quite there yet), and the QSB in the bedroom to help me, especially, sleep. We all feel calmer and brighter, my sleep is gradually improving, and I have had a good release of toxins as evidenced by my urine.
Absolutely thrilled with this and to have the ability to help our bodies release and heal ourselves. An amazing discovery.
Kind regards, Loveday New Zealand
QSB & QSB Wave