QSB Wave


The QSB Wave can be purchased on its own if you already have a QSB or as a package with the QSB.

The combination of the QSB and the Wave gives you everything you need to benefit from Quantum Wave Genetics age reversal and healing using baby photos or baby DNA samples (hair or nail clippings).

You can also simply offer age reversal and healing sessions to multiple subjects simultaneously – both in the room with the QSB and remotely using the principles of quantum entanglement.

Your QSB Wave will come with cables and instructions as well as access to our forum where you can ask questions and interact with other owners. We will also be offering advice, materials, and support to anyone interested in starting or expanding their own healing business with the QSB Wave. This will include access to free webinars, promotional videos, and documents.

If you do not have a QSB you can buy the QSB Wave with a QSB using the drop-down menu. Anybody who buys a package this way will also receive a free Upgrade pack to allow custom frequencies and sequences to be played through the QSB.

For Buy Now Pay Later option – NZ customers can choose Klarna when checking out.

For Afterpay – Overseas customers please contact admin@lifeenergysolutions.com

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The QSB Wave – A Revolution in Healing

Who doesn’t want to be the very best version of themselves – younger, more vibrant, energetic, and healthy? The QSB Wave is a revolutionary vibrational healing and wellness device that can do just that.

Don’t believe us?

We are so confident that we will give you a guarantee, or your money back.

What is the QSB Wave?

The QSB Wave is an accessory for the QSB enabling age-reversal, genetic healing and the ability to embed frequencies. This gives limitless possibilities and we believe takes the new paradigm of vibrational healing to a level above and beyond anything yet available.

What is Quantum Wave Genetics?

Quantum Wave Genetics is the marriage of the two great technologies of Dr Peter Gariaev and Nikola Tesla brought together in the QSB Wave by David Slinger, who also conceived, developed, and designed the now world-renowned QSB, both of which are unique to Life Energy Designs.

Dr Peter Gariaev was a Nobel Prize-winning genius of our age without a doubt. Like all great visionaries, he is well ahead of his time as humanity is still in the throes of shaking off its addiction to pharmaceuticals and the outdated medical paradigm that promotes them.

With the QSB Wave, we are able to take his work forward by making a variation of his healing technology available and affordable to everyone.

Even those not fortunate enough to be able to acquire it for themselves can be healed remotely regardless of their location. In the realm of Quantum Physics and Quantum entanglement, the seemingly impossible becomes possible.

Nikola Tesla needs no introduction. His greatness is second to none and his work with Scalar waves is what inspired and guided David in his vision and development of the QSB.
We believe the marriage of Nikola Tesla’s and Peter Gariaev’s work is one made in Heaven and that the QSB has truly come of age with the addition of the QSB Wave and is a forerunner in a revolution in healing technologies.

How does the QSB Wave work?

QSB Quantum Wave GeneticsLet us try and summarise the way the QSB Wave works and what some of the potential is:

Gariaev concluded that the blueprint that our body uses to remake itself is not part of the “physical” body and in fact, is stored in our energetic field. Our DNA is like our computer accessing this field, which is like our cloud account on the internet in this analogy.

Unfortunately, this blueprint information is subject to degradation over time as we pollute our systems with negative thoughts and emotions on top of environmental toxins such as EMF and harmful gene-altering pharmaceuticals.

Gariaev’s “what if” moment led him to realise that the original blueprint could be found, accessed, and used to over-write this corrupted version.

David’s “what if” moment came when he realised that his process could be simplified and made widely available to everybody with the help of our QSB.

We know that the QSB Wave represents a revolution.

To say we are excited would be the biggest understatement of the century!

Features of the QSB Wave

• The QSB Wave is an accessory for the QSB which turns the QSB into a Quantum Wave Genetics device,
• Quantum Wave genetics, based on the principles of Dr. Peter Gariaev’s age-reversal and genetic healing technology with the addition of Scalar waves and frequency available to everybody.
• The QSB Wave has its own frequency generator. It generates the Solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz – the frequency of DNA repair, Love, and Miracles.
• This frequency passes over a special energetic plate with technology underneath that actively adds the frequency information from the photograph, DNA sample, remedy, or just about anything placed on the plate onto the 528 Hz carrier wave.
• The carrier wave and the subtle additional frequencies collected from the plate are now injected into the QSB from where they are broadcast into the room to the benefit of anybody nearby.

Simple to use and non-invasive it will benefit a room full of people!

Or remotely.

How wonderful is that?

What are the Benefits?

Quantum Wave Genetics healing

Placing a photo of you as a baby on the top of the QSB Wave adds the frequency information of your DNA “blueprint” to the scalar waves being emitted from the QSB. Your innate intelligence that is responsible for healing and maintaining your body recognizes this information being presented and then proceeds to start overwriting the degraded information in your current “blueprint”.

At this point, aging starts going backward and healing of any physical, mental, and emotional issues becomes possible as your system starts using the information to heal itself.

If you have a child with a congenital condition the same procedure can be done using a healthy sibling’s baby photo (there are other options as well). Dr. Gariaev’s team had great successes with autism, down’s syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and more in this way.

You can read more about Wave Genetics and its creator Dr Peter Gariaev here . Read some translated testimonials here

“I had an eye test this week which showed the sight in one of my eyes has improved so much that I can now read books and magazines again, despite Macula Degeneration. The tester(Opthalmologist?)’s remark about the result was: ‘Unusual picture but it does occasionally happen’ …. 🙂  Hurray for the QSB wave!! And you guys developing it”. Helma, New Zealand

” ….And now! I have been privileged to try the QSB Wave before its release. As well as sitting with the QSB Wave I put the crystal water bottle next to it so that again, I can sip the frequencies during the day. I have shared that with a friend facing major bowel surgery. She had nineteen sessions during which time she commented on how much calmer she felt and less apprehensive. The bowel condition was less severe, and her aches and pains were improved. Mary has been dealing with bereavement and moving to a retirement village, so it was remarkable to hear her say the other day that she felt ten years younger.” Elizabeth Salmon NZ.

Hi Everyone, I wanted to share my experience with the QSB Wave so far. I have been using it every night for just over five weeks. I began with 2 hour sessions, and then dropped down to 90 minutes. The first thing I noticed was the sensation that my skin was burning (like when you have been out in the sun for too long). This sensation has stayed with me during the use of the QSB Wave, but it isn’t as strong now. I have also been having lots of dreams every night. The dreams have stirred up a lot of memories from the past. It is incredible how persons who were some sort of stress to me 30 years ago would now appear in my dreams, as an example. It has made me realise how we store every bit of experience/stress within the body, and we carry it around with us for decades. The dreams are now becoming less. I was also feeling very fatigued during this time, but it is improving. The QSB Wave is helping me to see things more clearly. I guess all those dreams are a way of dealing and coming to terms with situations and people throughout life, and to see things more clearly. I actually feel more at peace within myself. It is a nice feeling to begin experiencing this shift.

Around the second week of use, I noticed the sun damage on the skin of my arms dramatically improved. Last week, I noticed the grey in my hair appeared to be a lot less. Thank you, David, for mentioning your improvement in your hair in yesterday’s post. Yes, it is happening to others! Not only is it happening to me, but it is happening to my mum. My mum is 93 years old, and had complete grey hair. Yesterday, I was shocked when I noticed sections of her hair had turned darker! I have not had my mum’s baby photo on the QSB Wave (she doesn’t have any baby photos), nor have I used any of her DNA samples as yet. I always turn on my QSB Wave when I go to bed. My mum’s bedroom is next to my room, so it appears the 528 frequency in my room is reaching her as well!

It’s still early days, but to have all the above happen in less than six weeks is amazing. I wonder what else is there to come? Thank you Margie and David! Rosemary, NSW Australia.

NB: Children’s baby photos work for the parents too!

There is so much more!

Remedy transmission with the QSB Wave
The QSB Wave will transmit the frequency information of anything you put on the plate.
This includes, but is not limited to:

• Herbs (dried or fresh)
• Herbal Remedies
• Homeopathic Remedies
• Essential Oils
• Colour Swatches (colour therapy uses wool samples as a standard)
• Minerals
• Crystals
• Foods
• +++++++

These can be received directly by being in the room with the QSB and/or they can be “collected” in water put near the QSB and consumed as a remedy.

Remote Healing with the QSB Wave.

QSB WAVE remote healingRemote healing uses the principles of quantum entanglement remote healing is opening up the possibility for anybody anywhere to receive healing benefits from equipment you can own and operate in your own home or clinic

“Last week I had a tummy bug and found that using the QSB Wave lessened the effects of my headache and aches and pains. In general it made me feel happy, lighter and even a bit younger!
I have been using it with my baby picture and would very much like to continue using it once you have them available. I feel that using it consistently over time is of great benefit.” Triona Daly, Green Goddess Beta Tester

It’s time to take your healing journey to the next level.

Our mission: To help as many people as possible to live a healthy life.

team life energy solutions
As a small family-run business, we respect our customers’ intelligence so will not hide scientific technology as some other companies. Nor do we put a high price on our products to cover relentless marketing and fees for influencers. We want as many people as possible to benefit and know that our customers are those discerning enough to not think that price indicates efficiency.

We believe that word of mouth is the best form of advertising – so have no advertising budget to cost in!

Our customers, as always are the best and most reliable people to test and feedback on all our products. We know they will also do that with the QSB Wave.

We have utter confidence that The QSB Wave will benefit you and others in your life, but we want you to  know that for yourself – but should you not agree we have a 30-day no questions or quibbles money-back guarantee.

We know that the QSB Wave changes people’s lives – will it change yours?

Add the QSB Wave to your cart now. Please note: A QSB is required for its use. It can be bought as a package from this page.

The video below explains how to use the QSB Wave for direct and remote healing

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Weight N/A
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QSB Wave, QSB Wave and QSB