Cure for night terrors- even for a skeptic

Cure for night terrors- even for a skeptic

It isn’t easy to find a night terror cure as Callie Fort in Australia found especially when it doesn’t fit our concept of what a cure should entail – like something given by a medical doctor or health care professional. When all else failed Callie turned to us for a cure for her daughters disturbing night terrors. But not without skepticism. Read her story:

“Thought I should finally get around to emailing you some feedback on the p.e. bal? We purchased a few months ago.

Firstly I must admit I AM a bit of a skeptic…..however I was at my wits end as my 5 year old daughter had started suffering from night terrors, we had been having them nightly for over a month.

I spent hour’s googling, speaking to medical professionals, speaking to other parents and nobody could give any answers to why she was having them and or a cure for them. We arranged her bedroom, removed dairy and sweets from her diet, earlier bedtimes etc. etc., nothing worked.

As mentioned I was at my wits end and then stumbled across your website during my frantic googling sessions, we scoffed at the idea of this item but said oh we’ll, what the hell we will give it a shot.

The little pyramid pe bal arrived a few days later, we had a bit of a laugh about it but placed it next to her bed, that night she had a terror… However, I swear on my own life, the following night the terrors vanished…

We don’t know how this contraption worked but we thought we would let you know. She has not had one single night terror since (we purchased it in May 2012). It stays next to her bed always, just in case ?

As I said I’m a huge skeptic when it comes to new age stuff but this has worked for us!!”

Our products are based on proven technology and rigorously tested so we align ourselves with quantum physics rather than New Age but then the quantum physics and metaphysics are now in agreement that everything is just energy.

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