Night terrors hit our family.

Night terrors hit our family.

I have experienced night terrors – and it isn’t nice I can assure you. But that was a long time ago. Since then my only experience of night terrors has been other people’s and helping them to deal with them by providing our solution.

When I heard that a little family member had started having night terrors it brought the horror of my own back to me and I knew that we needed to get help to the tiny two year old, and his distraught mum too of course.

Night terrors is as much an unknown to her as it is to most people so we realised that we needed to reassure her of the effectiveness of our night terror cure. Even the cause is disputed and the condition not acknowledged by many in the medical profession. In the parcel we also put all the information about night terrors that we had including this testimonial:

“I live the United States in New Jersey. I wanted to tell you how wonderful I think your product is, as if you didn’t already know. My teenager was having night terrors for quite some time. So I decided to search on the internet for something to help. I came across your website and read about your products. After reading your website, I noticed that we have a cell tower not far from our house and the amount of electronics in our home; I decided to purchase the Negater Shell. I have to say it is wonderful – he has not had a night terror in approximately 7 months. He is getting restful sleep and so am I, since I don’t have to worry about him waking.

Since, I have purchased the pe bal for our home and the lovely p.e.bal key chain. I guess I am writing mostly to thank you. So THANK YOU!! Very Satisfied Customer, Kristin Young, USA.”

And this previous blog night-terrors-skeptic

So to our lovely little boy, his mum, and every one that is having or dealing with night terrors we wish them the complete and utter end to their suffering.

Here at life energy Designs we say “NO MORE” to night terrors,


Italy’s Supreme Court rules that Cell phone caused cancer.

Resonance – Beings of Frequency

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