How can you avoid having a smart meter? Or get rid of a smart meter?

  • EMF
  • December 5, 2019
  • 2

How can you avoid having a smart meter? Or get rid of a smart meter?

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On the EMF Safety Network website, you can peruse story after story of fires, explosions, and deaths associated with the use of smart meters. These apparently untested devices, which we’ve previously reported pulse electromagnetic radiation into the walls of the homes to which they’re attached, are being installed without people’s consent, and without any true guarantee of safety.

“One thing that has been revealed by people who’ve tracked ‘smart’ meter pulses: They are highly variable,” explains the site Stop Smart Meters! “Other descriptors: Unpredictable, random, very erratic, and even bizarre. One EMF consultant has told us that it is impossible to extract meaningful conclusions about the fields created by the pulses.”

Among the many health effects documented in conjunction with smart meters are chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, leg cramps, headaches, learning problems, and more. A 2011 study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience also explains how the same kind of electromagnetic radiation emitted from smart meters can trigger novel neurological disease.

More on the harmful EMF signals emitted by smart meters is available here:

Smart meters may also allow your utility company, the local government, and possibly even federal authorities to monitor your utility usage based on the extensive data they collect about electricity usage.

As far as what you can do to avoid having a smart meter installed on your home — or what to do if one has already been installed without your informed consent — the EMF Safety Network recommends taking the following steps:

1) Contact your power utility directly and instruct them not to install a smart meter. If one has already been installed, order them to remove it and put back the analog meter.

2) Contrary to popular belief, smart meters aren’t mandated by the federal government, and federal law requires that power utilities provide customers with “a time-based meter” that supports “a time-based rate,” upon request.

3) Attach a signed refusal notice to your analog meter saying you don’t consent to having a smart meter installed.

4) If you already have a smart meter, complain to your Public Utilities Commission or utility oversight board.

These and other tips and instructions are available at the EMF Safety Network: –

See Life Energy Designs solutions to EMF protection.

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2 thoughts on “How can you avoid having a smart meter? Or get rid of a smart meter?

  • Kiwi Osborne

    How do I word a request to my electricity supplier to take out the smart meter that is at my house.
    And what would they replace it with?
    I am presuming that originally there was an analogue meter there.
    My supplier is Slingshot here in Wellington.

  • admin

    Hi Kiwi.

    You might need to change your supplier. Most won’t entertain the idea. Contact Energy and, I believe, Nova will. Simply call them up and make it a condition of you switching to them. They normally charge $100 or so to remove the transmitter from the meter. They do not read them remotely anyway so they are not bothered.


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