New Healing Paradigm Needed!

New Healing Paradigm Needed!

It’s official. According to cutting edge quantum physics, we are all vibrating energy. So why then does our medical system still treat us like lumps of meat? Is it not time for a new approach, a new paradigm of healing?

We are complex energetic systems. Only part of what we are is manifested in the physical. When we are looking at our overall well-being, we need to look beyond the physical–out into the realms of the emotional and spiritual components of who we are.

When we are considering what ails us, we would be wise to look at the entire energetic spectrum that comprises our being. In a vibrating energetic field, what we are looking for is, of course, disturbed or disharmonious energetic patterns.

When we see the weeds of disease appear in our physical bodies we can be almost certain that the roots reach out into the unmanifested realms. if our healing modalities do not deal with the roots, then our gardens will always be sprouting new weeds and we will never experience complete well-being.

In the new paradigm of healing we also need to awaken to the idea that we are our own best healers. All diseases are incurable. This means curable from within. No longer can we say “I am sick fix me”. We need to take ownership and say instead “ I am on a healing journey, what resources can you share to help me onward?”

The Quantum Scalar Box (QSB) is an amazing resource and it is ready to share with those boldly stepping into the new paradigm. Using technology inspired by Nicola Tesla, it bathes our energy systems with high powered energetic pulses at frequencies designed to remove energetic blocks which are impeding our healing progress.

The second component of treatment with The Quantum Scalar Box involves introducing a sequence of special healing frequencies into our energetic fields. These frequencies are called the Solfeggio frequencies and are ancient. Monks used to chant in these frequencies in order to aid healing. They were buried and kept secret for centuries before reappearing again in our time.

Make sure you are on our newsletter list (click box top right)to be among the first to find out about our new website detailing how this technology works and how you can take part in a QSB session. NB Local and remote programs coming soon.


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