Gull-iver’s Travels

A visit from a black-backed gull chick

Gull-iver's Travels

We sometimes get visitors at Life Energy Designs’ office but nobody was expecting this one! Gull-iver (my name for him reflecting my sense of humour!) must have started his travels somewhere near the marina. This is a whopping 1 KM away for a little guy that can’t yet fly.

Jo found him when she arrived to work on Thursday morning (15th December 2016). He was obviously not where he was meant to be and was in serious danger of attracting the attention of one of the local cats.

Unfortunately nobody was around to video Jo running around the garden with a cardboard box trying to capture him but you can use your imagination if you want to have a laugh! Margie and I first met Gulliver in the office where he was standing in the bottom of the box trying to work out how to escape.

We are very fortunate to have a great animal rescue service with the SPCA (Society for the Protection of Animals) here in New Zealand. A phone call was all that was needed to book Gull-iver’s onward travels to a bird rescue centre where he will be fed, watered, and housed until he is old enough to fend for himself.

We wish Gulliver well on his ongoing travels and hope we will meet again – probably begging for our chips at our local beach!

Watch the video below:



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