EMF exposure is causing insomnia, depression, anxiety, illness and memory loss

  • EMF
  • December 19, 2019
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EMF exposure is causing insomnia, depression, anxiety, illness and memory loss

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Those people who dismiss concerns about EMFs may wish to take a closer look at the evidence of harm that has been caused by EMF exposure.

Yes, it is true that some EMFs are emitted naturally by the sun and even the earth – Geopathic stress, but we humans are being exposed to previously unheard of levels of artificial EMFs in the past year (2016). And the levels are only going to grow with the increase of wireless technology.

As the name implies – Electromagnetic fields are made up of electric and magnetic fields. Sitting perpendicular to each other they travel together in the form of an invisible wave. Man-made EMFs are put into 2 categories by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The lower frequency is classified as a non-ionizing radiation that bears a frequency lower than visible light. These are given off by computers, smart meters, microwave ovens, cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, MRIs and power lines.

The Higher frequency EMF radiation waves bear higher frequencies than visible light. They are ionizing radiation and include, Gamma rays, X-rays and UV light.

Most people dismiss the idea that high frequency radiation can cause problems. Getting sunburnt is one of the dangers of being exposed to UV lighting. There are good reasons why pregnant women are not allowed near X rays.

The effects of low frequency EMF radiation however, can be a bit subtler. The symptoms caused by the prolonged use of smart meters, cell phones, Wi-Fi etc. cannot be noticed easily at first.

But what is making the problem worse is the fact that the corporations owning the telecommunications and electronics industries are working hard to dismiss the concerns to allow them to keep making big money profits.

A meta-analysis of cell phone studies, for example, have shown that most of the studies that were not funded by these industries indicated a higher risk of brain tumors amongst phone users. Whereas the majority of the cell phone industries funded studies showed that people who used cell phones had a lower risk of brain tumors! A conflict of interest?

Because our heart and nervous system run on electricity exposure to EMF is dangerous. That is why a defibrillator can shock a heart back into life. The electromagnetic signals in our body however are weak in comparison to those created artificially. Interference by EMF to our heart, brain and mitochondria is therefore dangerous.

Low frequency EMF radiation has been assigned as a possible carcinogen (class 2B) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Anxiety, depression, insomnia, dizziness, adrenal fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, and hormonal imbalances in addition to a higher risk of cancer are some of the symptoms experienced by those who are exposed to long periods of high levels of low frequency electromagnetic fields.

Neurological problems and inflammatory symptoms have been noted by many when they had smart meters installed in their homes.

It has been shown that EMFs can directly change the behavior of tissues and cells alike in a study published in the Electronic Physician, therefore harming your bone marrow, blood, DNA, reproductive system, cardiovascular system and endocrine system.

So, what can we do to reduce our exposure to man-made EMFs?

First of all, you should switch off your electronic devices when you are not using them. Try to stick to hardwired connections instead of Wi-Fi or Bluetooth if possible. This includes peripherals such as your keyboard and mouse. Turn off your Wi-Fi router at night and try not to sleep near electronic devices.

Always keep your devices away from your body. Avoid the use of headphones with your cell phone for long conversations and don’t put them in your pockets or bra. EMF phone shields can help reduce your exposure.

Use EMF protection products to harmonize the negative affects the EMF’s have on your body.

You may wish to try grounding as this helps your body neutralize the positive ions given off from your electronic devices. It can be as simple as walking barefoot on damp grass or a sandy beach. A nutritious diet that contains lots of antioxidants can help.

Alex had asked for a refund under our 30 days no quibbles policy.  Then we received this:


“Never mind, I thought I couldn’t afford it but now that I’ve put it on I can’t afford not to, I’m looking forward to receiving more of your products and thank you so much, it brings tears to my eyes to feel so relieved from my depression I’ve been fighting for so long.
I’m a 21 year old full time student, part time worker, and spend most my day behind a computer or the wheel of a car & would always feel something off during my day, it was unexplained and seemingly uncalled for with no cause, until I learned about the dangerous effects of EMF and EMR and found life Energy Designs, thank you life energy for giving me my life’s energy back :)” Alex, California, USA

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