Cats are Energy Sensitive – a Family Tale

Cats are energy sensitive - a family tale.

My brother George came to visit with his cat. His cat thinks that it’s a dog but then so does George. Puss, a silly name for a cat that acts like a dog, follows George every where. George loves it. His constant companion.

Brother George was helping out by doing some chores that had been put on the back of the shelf for so long that they were going moldy.”What about puss?” I asked. Now we have a cat which is old and crabby who would make mince meat of a young playful interloper. So I suggested that we keep him in the office with us. George was hesitant telling us that he wouldn’t settle.

Now what do you do when you are busy bashing away on a computer, answering the phone and filing the endless bill receipts that have been paid, and you have to cat sit? Our experience was lacking in this area.

I played with Puss with a bit of old cord for a while. Distraction technique while George slunk away. It was the phone that stopped me. And then I must admit that I continued working – forgetting about my feline charge. He was so quiet.

It was only when George popped in to check on his best mate. “Where is he?” he looked at me accusingly. Guiltily I had to admit that I hadn’t kept an eye on him all the time. Thankfully it didn’t take much of a search to find him fast asleep in the chair curled around a p.e.bal (pyramid energy balancer), which had been carelessly placed there. Any one sitting on would of had a really nasty shock!

Cats are more energy sensitive than most people. They pick up on the p.e.bal’s beneficial energy. Smart creatures cats.They won’t be any where they don’t don’t to be. Won’t do any thing just to please as you will know if we have ever tried to make a cat do anything against it’s will. We could learn a lot from cats.


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