The Amega AMwand is Dead. Long Live The Life Energy Wand!

The Amega AMwand is Dead. Long Live The Life Energy Nano Wand!

We have to give Amega the credit for bringing the world’s attention to a very useful device for the treatment of localized pain and general wellbeing – The Energy wand or Amwand, as they call it.

Alas, Amega has gone the way of about 95% of MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) companies, which go bust within 5 years of starting. I received an email from one of the top guys in Amega (via Wand The World) to share the bad news softened with an invite to get a ground floor position on the next great thing (some kind of supplement). Thanks but no thanks.

My theory about why all these MLM companies go under is that the customer ends up paying over the odds for the products because Peter, Paul, John, Mary […. + all the agents in between] and the distribution company all need to get a share of the profit. This often puts a great product like the Energy Wand out of the reach of the people who might really benefit from it.

The good thing about the Energy Wand, despite all the fancy techno-speak they like to use, is that it is really simple technology. At the end of the day all it is is a compact device that produces a stream of life-energy. Which can then be used like an energetic “scalpel”– a great tool to dislodge energetic blockages, which are a common source of our aches and pains.

Because it is a simple technology this opens the door for other manufacturers to make similar wands that do the same job. We discovered that there are a few different versions of the energy wand out there. Some are good some, not so.

Fortunately, when it came to sourcing an affordable wand for our customers, we know a bit about life energy and life energy devices! We picked a good one and used our new scalar generator to boost this up to a brilliant one – one which we are happy to guarantee to be as good as anything else out there (actually better). See our life energy wand here.

If you are an Amega agent or anybody who sincerely wants to get this technology out to help people, why not become an affiliate? We can’t offer you the MLM dream of a lavish lifestyle funded by the minions in your down-line but we can reward your simple referrals to some great, affordable, energetic products.


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2 thoughts on “The Amega AMwand is Dead. Long Live The Life Energy Wand!

  • Robert Neko

    I need the product do you provide it from South Africa to place my order soon.

  • admin

    Yes, we can supply to South Africa but only with DHL during this covid-19 situation. Get in touch for a quote when you are ready to order.


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