12 Ways to help overcome depression without drugs

  • Energy
  • September 28, 2021
  • 0

Most people suffer a period of depression in their lives. Feeling down and depressed during these restrictions to our freedom in an enforced unnatural way of life is a natural response.

Often when we feel depressed, we are hurting so much all we want is to just stop the pain. It is easy to run to the doctor in desperation for some quick  relief. But drugs for depression should only ever be a short-term solution because the side effects, like dumbing down your emotional response, can in the long run be detrimental to your overall health and wellbeing.

Overcoming depression without drugs may take effort at a time when all you want is a quick fix to feel better, but the long-term benefit will be that you will become a stronger, more balanced, capable person who has learned some new life skills along the way.

  1. Routine:

    Routine is important as Depression takes away any structure to your life and one day merges into the next aimlessly. A non-challenging daily schedule gives your days a purpose.

  2. Set daily goals:

    Feeling you have no purpose makes your self-image and depression worse. Set yourself some daily goals. Start very small, something you can succeed at easily and then make them more challenging as you feel better.

  3. Healthy eating:

    When depressed you can skip meals or eat junk because it is easier. You probably don’t have much appetite anyway. But good food is essential, and some foods can actually help. A diet rich in plenty of fruit, vegetables, eggs and protein especially salmon. Oysters and mussels are said to be natural antidepressants. Supplements like fish oils, vitamins B and D. are good to take too. Avoid caffeine and alcohol they may give a temporary high but when that wears off – you will feel worse.

  4. Exercise:

    Exercise temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins. Walking in nature is a double benefit as soil contains microbes dubbed “outdoorphins” (M. vaccae) similar to the endorphins. Mycobacterium vaccae has been found to mirror the effect on neurons provided by drugs like Prozac. A natural antidepressant that makes people relaxed and happier. Gardening is also great exercise and will have the same feeling good factor. Appearance is important and easy to neglect when feeling depressed but making an effort to look good will give you a lift. As will your posture. When we are feeling low, we bow our heads, round our shoulders, look at the ground and – slump. Just by standing tall, shoulders back, head high looking straight ahead expands our energy field while giving a message to the brain of self-worth. Try it – an instant mood booster.

  5. Sleep:

     Getting enough good quality sleep is important when depressed and just being in bed because you don’t want to get up is not the same thing at all. A bedtime regime will help by going and getting up from bed at the same time. Switch your cell phone to airplane mode and switch the Wi-Fi off at night and when not in use. Keep your bedroom cool, dark,  making it your safe cave. Sleep is when we heal and get well.

  6. EMF Radiation:

    Electromagnetic Radiation not only can it cause depression, it is also one of the well-researched symptoms. It can also make it worse if it is not the primary cause. Limit the EMF producing things around you. Limit your time on your cell phone and computer. Information overload from news, social media and the internet which is often negative intensifies the feeling of hopelessness connected with depression. Give yourself a break from it and make sure that you have adequate EMF protection.

  7. Meditation:

    Meditation  is a good way to relax and be in the moment. A daily exercise, which doesn’t have to be a marathon. By simply focusing on the breath, you can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression.

  8. Talking:

    Talking is always good for the soul. Whether it is with a professional, a friend who will really listen or your God. By talking or unburdening you can often get insights, understandings and even inspiration. Always though we need to take the responsibility of knowing we are not victims. Banging on about how hard done by you are will not make you feel better and other people will avoid your company.

  9. Positive thoughts and positive relationships:

    Surround yourself with positivity, your thoughts, actions, activities, and the people around you. Nothing is more uplifting. Conversely negativity will bring you down.

  10. Trying something new:

    It’s easier when we are down and depressed to keep doing the same-old, same-old. Although some routine is necessary and beneficial  trying something new will bring the zing into your life. The beneficial uplift that we all need from new experiences, new challenges, and achievements. However small a thing it may be, like walking a different way to the shops, do it and feel the boost it gives you.

  11. Humour and fun:

    It is said that laughter is the best medicine. And it’s true. A good laugh releases endorphins – the feel-good hormone. It helps your heart, boosts your immune system, reduces stress and helps you to relax. If  you’re depressed making time for things you enjoy is important even though nothing seems fun anymore. You have to keep trying to bring some into your life.

  12. Gratitude:

    Gratitude isn’t easy when you are down and depressed. Your perspective is introspective instead of looking around you, feeling thankful. But gratitude is one of the most uplifting things you can do. Just a tiny flower struggling to grow in a cracked pavement – be grateful that it shows you survival is possible. A lovely sunset – gratitude that there is more, and bigger than the confines you are feeling right now. A hug from a friend, or their listening ear. Raindrops that wash away your tears or remind you that you are waterproof, so therefore beautifully engineered. Grateful to a creator that made you that way. Gratitude gets easier with practice and makes you feel good – every time.

Depression should never be overlooked or ignored, you need to take active steps to find and look at why and address that. Depression like any illness or dis-ease is an energy imbalance that becomes a blockage in our energy field. Energy balance is absolutely necessary for our general health and wellbeing.

Don’t think that depression will just go away, or that its alright to feel ‘down’ under to present life situation. It isn’t OK. You need to take steps to heal it in the same way as you would any physical dis-ease. Even emotion healing, such as  grieving is necessary.

If you find that you need support with this, get it. Don’t let your depression get out of hand by consuming you with hopelessness. Seek out a friend, family member, or a health care professional that you feel comfortable with and will understand. And there is always some one to help because most of us have been there ourselves – at some time in our lives.



Link to other blogs:

Plants – a natural antidepressant and sleep aid.

Can antidepressants help EMF symptoms?

21st Century Problems: Technology and Depression

EMF exposure is causing insomnia, depression, anxiety, illness and memory loss

How do crystals and gemstones form and can crystals heal?

Apocalypse Now

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