Understanding 2012 – what it means to the man in the street

Understanding 2012 - what it means to the man in the street

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As 2012 approaches main stream media is using it in its negative fear tactics. So what does marketing 2012 do to the vulnerable public?

At 80+ years it’s assumed that most of life’s lessons have been learned and one is making peace with their maker ready for the next phase. That painful joints and failing sight and the kids screaming in the street are the only things that disturb the quietude and wisdom of age.


It seems that is not so.


The other day my mum (88 years) had a call from a neighbor (82 years)

“Dora” he said ” “All these disasters that are happening in the world – is it the end. I have heard that the world is going to end in 2012. IS it? Is doomsday coming?”

Mum with her usual candor told him “You old fool what the hell are you worried about we will be lucky to make it to 2012. Worry about today and enjoying it and don’t complain about how bad your chest is either. Put the kettle on and make a cuppa and tell God thanks for that and that you are alive. Don’t bother with a tea bag in a cup – that’s a waste. One will make a pot so I’m coming over. And also thank God that the sun is shining and you don’t need to put the heating on.”

Common sense straight from the horse’s mouth it may be, but it is advice we can all take on board. Why worry about a future date when this moment is all we have – and will always be. Life happens one moment at a time. We can neither live in the future or the past. So lets look at what we do have now – and give thanks – for every single thing because these are blessings.

So aligning ourselves with any future changes is no big-y. If we start aligning ourselves with our creator now – today – this moment,
by being consciously aware of all our blessings and saying thanks for each one, we are safely cradled in his/her arms what ever future changes their may be – before 2012, in 2012, and beyond 2012.


2012 – The Movie. Hollywood FEAR Machine at work again.

2012 – Making The Most Of The Consciousness Shift DVD

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