Kristin Young, USA

  • January 28, 2022
  • 0

EMF Products help with night terrors

I live the United States in New Jersey. I wanted to tell you how wonderful I think your product is, as if you didn’t already know. My teenager was having night terrors for quite some time. So I decided to search on the internet for something to help. I came across your website and read about your products. After reading your website, I noticed that we have a cell tower not far from our house and the amount of electronics in our home; I decided to purchase the Negater Shell. I have to say it is wonderful – he has not had a night terror in approximately 7 months. He is getting restful sleep and so am I, since I don’t have to worry about him waking.

Since, I have purchased the pe bal for our home and the lovely pe bal key chain. I guess I am writing mostly to thank you. So THANK YOU!! Very Satisfied Customer.

Kristin Young, USA


Erin Dawborn, NZ

Tino, Botswana