Joe, NZ

  • January 28, 2022
  • 0

A solution bed-wetting and nightmares

I Have a six year old son who suffered from bed-wetting and nightmares, I had taken him to Doctors to avail. After a visit to Jo Muir from Bodycheck in Whakatane which picked up that he had an emotional issue, she suggested i have the house checked by Don Evans of Edgecumbe who can detect spirals and negative energies in the house. Don Decided to try your shell as it takes away negative energy and releases positive energy. We began to notice a difference on the first night, He is now happy to play in his room and has not wet the bed since putting the shell in his room (3 months now) He even gets up to go to the toilet during the night which he never done before due to being a heavy sleeper. I definitly would recommend your products.

Joe, NZ


John H, NZ

Hazel Stride, NZ