Prem Rawat. If you want to fly then really fly

Prem Rawat. If you want to fly then really fly
Prem Rawat also known by the honorary title Maharaji travels the world speaking to those who wish to make inner peace a reality in their life. “what I offer people is not just talk” Prem Rawat says” but a way to go inside and savor the peace that is within”

“If you want to fly, then really fly”. – Prem Rawat

Somebody I visited had a sticker on their refrigerator that said, “Smile,” and when I asked them why, they said, “Oh, it’s nice to be reminded.” Nice to be reminded to smile? You’re a human being. This is what you do. When things are right, it is automatic. You don’t need to be reminded to smile. It will come naturally. When all is right inside, a smile will happen.

Some people want a garden year-round, so they buy fake grass, fake flowers, fake trees to make a garden. Then they say, “Look at my garden! It’s great, isn’t it? It looks like this year-round, and I don’t have to mow the grass.” Yes, but where are the butterflies and the bees? Where is the aroma of the flowers? Your garden may look great, but it’s not really your garden. Do you want your garden to look great even if it’s not a real garden?

Be real – for yourself. Don’t live in this fake fantasy. You are here for too short a time to pretend. If you want to fly, then really fly. Because you can. You don’t have to pretend. Pretending doesn’t go very far. And you’re not here for that long.

A lot of young people think life will go on and on for a long time. Ask people who have been alive for quite a while how quickly life goes by. It’s all perception. Remember when you were young? Your Mom or Dad would be driving the car, and 15 minutes was too long. Now you say, “We’re already there?” It’s all about perception.

You finally start to recognize the value of time when it gets less and less. Not a smart thing. Understand the value of time now. The best way to understand it is to be content as much as you can be. Then you have conquered time. Then you have understood what you have been given – the most incredible gift of life.



True Passion

Electrosensitivity – the new disease.

2 thoughts on “Prem Rawat. If you want to fly then really fly

  • jrparadise2012

    prem rawat

  • jrparadise2012

    Prem Rawat. If you want to fly then really fly


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