Making sense of the new wave of EMF protection sweeping the market in 2020

  • EMF
  • December 10, 2020
  • 0

The world is waking up to the dangers of EMF. A wealth of literature, resources, and news reports have been making their way to the forefront throughout 2020 from all sides. Those working in the medical and scientific fields are continuing to bolster what we already know to be true, while the general public have grown more discerning, and are – more than ever before – beginning to see for themselves tangible proof of the risks attached to our modern ways of living.

Of course, never before has the impact of EMF been more prevalent. It foretells a worrying future, as we have always known that the true extent of the devastation wrought by electromagnetic radiation will take some time to make itself known. We are, and always have been, living in a grace period as the proliferation of new, high risk devices remains relatively new.

Now, however, with 5G rolling out across the globe – and the health of billions compromised in unparalleled ways – even those who once rolled their eyes at the notion that our phones, laptops, Wi-Fi and wearable tech devices could threaten our lives are beginning to accept that serious changes need to be made.

As a result, we are seeing a massive influx of new personal EMF protection products – all of which are posed as convenient solutions to the radiation bearing down on us every moment of the day.

While the increased concern for safety is a great step forward in the fight against EMF, we do need to exercise extreme caution. It is a tale as old as time that some will take a cynical approach toward the consumer, even if it means compromising their health and safety, and the world of EMF protection is no different.

What Have We Seen So Far?

In short, a staggering variety of products – all of which promise different benefits, and, in some cases, seek to play to our fears with little scientific backing.

In one camp, we have products that do offer genuine protection against EMF, but in a way that may provide ‘too much’ peace of mind to someone who has not yet fully grasped the extent of the risk. Protective boxers, for instance, can be lined with a protective layer for those concerned about the relationship between radiation and the reproductive system, but this shielding is limited to the region on which it is placed. As a result, someone could invest in this product and live with a false sense of security, forgetting about other highly vulnerable areas such as the brain and heart – although, of course, the entire body is vulnerable.

In another camp, we have products which benefit from the continued struggle to offer extensive education to others. Those who know little about personal EMF protection are vulnerable to products which are, at best, limited in their capacity to shield the body – at worse, they are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

For instance, crystals do offer protection against EMF – to a certain extent. They do, however, gradually absorb EMF and, as a result, need to be cleaned regularly. If not, the crystal will become ‘clogged’, and the user will continue to believe that they are protected when, in reality, their exposure (and risk) increases.

In more extreme cases, hollow claims are being made about products that are, in a word, bogus. Low level magnets, for instance, do not provide the shielding some opportunists claim they do, and the thought that some are currently relying on them to protect their health is incredibly distressing.

What is the Solution?

Of course, the most obvious solution is education – both in terms of protective products, and the lifestyle changes required to ensure that we are always mitigating the impact of a highly technological world.

The purpose of EMF protection needs to be made clear, and new users need to be aware of the necessity for full-body shielding via an active field, as offered by wearable technologies such as an EMF protection necklace or bracelet.

Similarly, the science behind these devices should be made more accessible, and brands should focus on offering full transparency and clarity alongside any claim that they offer genuine EMF protection. There should be ample opportunities for users to access the results of scientific testing on these products, and for them to understand how to self-test and see the effects for themselves.

Finally, further education on better, safer habits is needed. Personal EMF protection is two thirds of the battle, but knowing how to reduce our exposure – from turning off the Wi-Fi when it is not in use and adapting our mobile and laptop usage, to knowing how to reject new wireless technologies like at-home smart meters – remains essential, even with the best personal EMF protection to hand.


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