Life Energy Wand takes the drama out of life for Mum

  • EMF
  • March 6, 2018
  • 0

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The smallest things can become a drama for seniors. A knock can cause a wound that takes an age to heal with repeated trips to the nurse for dressings. As we get older in some ways life gets more complicated. And then the fear sets in. An active life becomes resisted because of the “What if’s” and “I can’t anymore”.
So sad when these should be the golden years of repeating good experiences not from the limiting beliefs of bad experiences.

My Mum is strong minded – if someone says she can’t or shouldn’t she does it to prove them wrong. Even then I see her hesitating before doing things she has always done. Not spending so long on the dance floor as before. She is almost ninety five.

The body breaks down as we get older. That’s just a fact of life. However much people say that we were born to live for hundreds of years, we haven’t got there just yet.

Mum gardens, walks, and trundles her veggies and groceries from the local shops in a wheelie bag. She has never driven but is a dictatorial back seat driver. Even though she is so active her body groans and moans. It”s started to limit her, all becoming a bit of a drama. And then we gave her a Life Energy Solutions wand for her birthday. She took to wanding like a duck to water. She loved it.

In fact you could say that the Life Energy Solutions wand gave her a new lease of life. Mum wands all the time, sitting watching the TV or talking to friends. Any one who mentions a headache, stiff joint or feeling under the weather and she is standing over them waving her magic Energy wand like a fairy God-mother. She has quite a following with frequent visitors who want a “Fix”. I don’t quite know how it works but it seems to have rid her of a lot of the fears she had accumulated in her later years.
Wonderful – it has taken a lot of the drama out of life for her – and us.

PS she wands all her food too!


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